new to mfp (again) - and I'm starving!



  • dhutt2011
    dhutt2011 Posts: 77 Member
    Judging by your diary it seems you don't cook a lot of meals. What is your weekly goal in terms of losing weight?

    I took a peak at your food diary and I would say maybe avoid drinking your calories. Even the non-fat latte's that you drink had 200 calories in them. Even the fruit smoothies were around 200 calories. Better to eat your calories like eating more fruits and veggie's. They are wonderful filler foods that help make your more full. I used to feel the same way about being hungry and I started eating more of them and that really seemed to help me. Also, eating more lean meat like turkey is good and you can eat more of that then red meats. Also, for sandwiches I found Nature's Best bread to be lower in calorie per slice and better for you (2 slices is 160 calories). Drink a glass of water before each meal and snack and that will help too.

    Don't give up on yourself!
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    I am very rarely hungry. I simply make sure that, first, I get a LOT of bang for my "calorie bucks" with lots of fruits and veggies, etc and second, if I am still hungry, I just earn more food by working out. I have doubled my normal loss rate since being on MFP (from 1/2lb a week to 1 lb a week) and I am eating twice the quantity of food (& quality) as I ever ate when not trying to lose weight. I eat almost all my exercise calories, staying just short of my daily goal. I kind of have a feel for how many calories I need to feel comfortable for the day and I just make sure I earn them! If you look at this as a diet and as it being restrictive, it will not be sustainable. I know that I have to eat this way pretty much forever, so I make it as easy as possible on myself--trying to eat as healthy as possible while not freaking out over a processed food now & then and I definitely need a treat or 2 every day. You can do just takes some planning! Feel free to browse my diary...don't keel over at the length of it!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    25 g -- Dates
    20 g -- Naked juice No Sugar ADDED (not the same as no sugar)
    18 g -- Special K Protein Drink
    11 g -- Choc Cupcake
    16 g -- Grapes
    9 g -- Tomato Sauce in Eggplant Parm odds per 1/2c of sauce (guessing about)

    That's 99 g of sugar... about 4 days worth.
    In addition to increasing your appetite sugar also prevents the absorption of many nutrient (esp calcium).

    I'd keep that 11g cupcake and reconsider everything else.

    Look for more natural nutrient dense foods and you'll feel more satisfied
  • mumma2boyz
    mumma2boyz Posts: 109 Member
    OMG! I would be starving, too! Honey- you are not eating nearly enough food. I eat all day long. Every 2 hours from the time I get up until I go to bed (I eat as late as 11pm sometimes). The key is plan plan plan. Before MFP, I lived on coffee all day long until 7pm and then ate dinner and a snack. Me? Eat breakfast? Yeah right! The new me has a meal plan that typically resembles this:

    On drive into work: EAS advantedge choc protein shake - 110 cal
    Around 9am: yogurt (greek or light n fit)
    Around 11: piece of fruit and granola bar (south beach twice protein)
    Around 1: Half sandwich (35 cal per slice bread, light mayo, meat- any kind...tuna, ham, chix, turkey) w/ soup or veggies. Sugar-free jello cup
    Around 4: handful of nuts or other small snack
    Dinner 7pm: 4oz meat (I eat beef, chix, turkey, ham and long as its lean n measured, eat it!), 1/2cup starch (rice, potatoes, pasta...just avoid added butter and salt), 1/2 plate veggies using zero cal spray butter)
    Evening snack: 60 cal sugar free jello pudding and/or turkey slices w/special k crackers

    I drink coffee, but have significantly decreased sugar and cream (yes, I have cream :). My friends use skim milk and splenda in theirs. I don't drink juice. I switched to skim milk with dinner. If I eat bread, I exercise. I eat minimum half my calories back if I exercise. And I cheat sometimes. Took my boys to dairy queen the other night and ate what I wanted. But the next day, I followed my eating plan and put more effort into my workout. I sometimes go a whole week without exercising.

    I have lost 14 pounds in 8 weeks eating more than I ever have. Make small changes each week. My challenge this week is to eat more veggies and fruit. :)