Always too many carbs or proteins

new_view Posts: 47 Member
Hey Everyone,
I am 9 days into tracking my food and trying to avoid any fast food as well as sodas etc. I have lost 3 pounds so far so I feel everything is going well at the moment. I am worried however because EVERY day I either have too much protein (most days) or too many carbs.
I am eating fruits and veggies throughout the day, oatmeal or cereal for breakfast, meats and veggies for lunch and dinner. I feel like I am choosing the "right" carbs because I have so many fruits and also only whole grain breads. Because I am new to this balanced diet thing I feel like I MUST be missing something if I am always over in one area far before all my calories are consumed for the day. Anyone have any pointers? Or does it not really matter?

Also I am running every other day and doing strength training on the days I don't calories flux because of this.


  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    If you are using the default settings of MFP, your protein amount is way to low. Consider it more of a minimum to exceed. I would suggest changing your settings to raise the protein percentage. Protein is very useful in recovery from exercise, and it is something that will keep you full longer. Add to that the fact that protein is one of the harder macro nutrients for your body to turn into fat. I raised my protein levels on the advice of an MFP friend, and it has done wonders for my energy levels.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I agree... eat all the protein you can! It builds muscle which then burns fat.... so it's good for you! If you're a little over on the carbs, don't worry too much. If you're consistently WAY over, look at what you can cut, but a little bit isn't going to hurt especially if you're working out a lot!

    Of course, this is just my opinion because it's what's been working for me! Good luck!
  • new_view
    new_view Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks so much riley, I honestly didn't even know I could change it!! Haha. I am not sure what I should be in-taking really though. I know that it is saying I am over after I eat a lunch of two grilled chicken tenderloins on a salad...that is just ridiculous!!!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    There are lots of threads on this. It is really up to you. I would suggest percentages of carbs about 40-45, fat 20-30, protein 20-35 more or less. I can't remember what I set mine for but about .7g of protein per pound of body weight.
  • new_view
    new_view Posts: 47 Member
    I was starting to search through other posts but kept getting wrapped up in people arguing and never found anything quickly enough lol. I will grin and bear it some more :)