You need to feed to succeed!

Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
This is a foreign concept for a lot of ppl on here, men and women alike. The programming of eat as little as possible and work out as much as possible probably has not worked for you, and a lot of you may have plateaued for a while using that formula. I am not surprised and teaching ppl to trust food again is hard at the best of times. I think the worst cases I have seen on here is with younger women whom have been brainwashed to believe the scale is king and that the "model" role model is the way to go. That is not to say that men are not susceptible to that glorious 6 pack abs ideal that gets advertised as well, we are and in truth its hard to get past that mentality. I was once one whom believed that if I wanted to be that greek adonis I needed to eat like a rabbit to shed fat. I failed miserably until this last go around where I was searching for a better way. Shedding fat does not mean starving yourself and I had to learn that for myself. I got talking to a member on here whom was pretty smart and I looked over his diary and he ate like a horse but had that elusive 6 pack abs that I wanted, (not that it was my original goal, my original was to just get to 175 pounds). Well I asked him what his secret was and he told me simply "you need to feed to succeed" which stunned me. I needed to eat more than I was before I started my lifestyle change to shed fat. That is right I said MORE! not less. Now with that said I do not mean more crap, I mean real nutrition, real veggies, real fruits and as little processed crap as possible. My diary is public so feel free to look at it.

Here is a typical day for me:
4 whole eggs
1 cup baby spinach
4 cooked mushrooms
blended and fried
2 slices of turkey bacon (processed I know but its my 1 vice)

Larabar apple & nut (an ingredient list I understand yay)
Or an apple

Veggie soup homemade blended or 1 cup homemade chili

Orange or manadarin orange

Steak or other meat and veggies the real ones not those instant packs.

protein shake or smoothie depending on protein needs.

I monitor my protein, fat, fiber and carb intakes pretty closely (90% of my sugar is from fruits I do not use any sweeteners or artificial sweeteners. I have come to believe that he was bang on the money with the clean eating idea and eating more to shed fat and retain muscle as I have done so throughout my journey. So I wanted to pass this along to those and pay it forward so to speak. I have dropped 27 pounds with ease, and still going till I hit my goal of a 6 pack just for kicks, and want to pass that message along to those whom do not understand it yet. Best of all is that its going to be a permanent thing for me, not some quick fix. Yes it took work at the gym but I trusted mfp ate my cals and it does work. So trust it, work with your body and educate yourself.


  • Wow! You eat 4 whole eggs? (I don't mean that rudely -- I'm sorry).

    I have read so many mixed reviews about eggs.

    I typically will do 5 egg whites and 1 full egg (IF I feel like I need the whole egg).

    If I'm honest ... I usually will just do 6 egg whites.

    Awesome info though!
  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    Love this :)
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    no insult taken, the yolk contains the vitamins and good fats needed by the body yes there are some down sides to it but not enough to deter me, and it has been working very well. I have no shortage of energy and I can workout to my hearts content, on mfp just following the cals to the letter I should have lost 1 lb/week but instead I kept posting 1.4-1.8lbs/week so its not as simple as cals in vs cals out nutrition plays a major role in fat loss.
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    i love this! soooo true, i love to eat too. and just to let you know, if you can find a sprouts type of market they offer an all natural turkey bacon that is fab! best wishes always :)
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Yet mother great post. My intake, obviously changes each day due to different Burns during work outs. Today I needed 2140? Or something around there. I get as close to the goal as possible. Had 23 Cal's left over tonight. When I tell girls doing P90X like me, how much I eat and that I'm losing weight and inches, they can't believe it haha. I'm a small girl and its a lot of food but I want to feed my muscle so that it sticks around =]
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Awesome info. Thanks for posting.
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    I second your judgement! Plateaued on eating 600-700 calories a day, and a few weeks later I am now losing on 1200 a day. So yes - this is true.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    awesome to see you dropping again helenium, once you get past that 1200 a day and really start training your body you will reach the goal and prove everyone that brings you down wrong. I am proud of you.
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