Stuck in a rut...

So, I have lost 42 pounds so far (yea me!) and now I just feel like I'm stuck in this rut. I had a few lazy days that turned into a couple lazy weeks. The last few days I started getting back on the elliptical but not quote with the same gumption I had before. I need to get it back! I've also been craving snacks more than I really ever did. I have a bit so I don't deprive myself, but that doesn't satisfy me and I wind up going back for more!

Does anyone have tips on how to move past this rut and get motivated back into the groove without feeling like I'm depriving myself?


  • sconns21
    sconns21 Posts: 92 Member
    I'd say keep yourself busy then you don't notice that you want to snack. Keep your hands busy especially or leave the house.

    When you do snack tell yourself you're going to snack on something healthy and low calorie. If you still want it you are hungry if not you're just grazing for sugary treats. When I feel like grazing I sometimes have a cup of tea because it makes you feel full and then you don't want to snack any more although it does bring you closer to the kitchen and the temptation to have a biscuit with your cup of tea is hard.

    If you deprive yourself of the snacks you may end up gorging on them because you feel like you're depriving yourself so let yourself have a small snack now and then. I find if I don't buy any snacks from the supermarket except really small treat size things like treat size milky ways or the mini tubs or Haagen Dazs this helps. If this is expensive buy a big tub and split it into separate smaller tubs in your freezer.

    I always eat chocolate and snacks really slowly, if it's chocolate I will suck on it until it is all melted. This way it lasts longer and you're more likely to feel satisfied at the end of it because you have got the full amount of flavour/taste from it.

    There is a problem with this though sometimes once you start you just can't stop so you would have been better off not starting at all.
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    i am exactly the same, i was sooo determined at the start, then i got a cold and 3 weeks later i still havnt really havent done any exercise worthy of mention.

    What i have done is order the 30day shred dvd and when that comes i am going to give myself the kickstart i need.

    Try and substitute your snacks for healty options, a handfull of nuts or a hot drink. Also make sure your not bored. if your bored you want to eat. why not exercise instead?

    good luck x
  • jen_ferrante
    jen_ferrante Posts: 23 Member
    Great tips! Thanks! :wink: