Work Drinks tonight.....guilt...

I have a work function tonight and there will be alcohol flowing and the food option is pizza...just sharing coz ive been so good all week at this is going to trow me out completly...

Will just have to be super well behaved over the weekend i suppose :)



  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    can you eat something healthier before you go? limit the amount of alcohol you drink and have water after. don't feel guilty!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I usually try get get at least a walk in if I cannot get a workout the day of going out. Depending on what you like, stick with non-sweet drinks like Vodka Setzers... mixing in the occasional drink of water.

    Or I just forget all that, and drink Guinness and shots of whiskey until I don't care about calories at all. Have fun!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    ummmmm, is someone going to tie you down and shove that food down your throat??

    Why not bring your own food---

    Stay away from the alcohol----we must never drink our calories.

    Eat before you go and pack a healthy snack you can nibble on during the event. Stay away from liquor and you will not have messed up all your hard work. Food is to be viewed as fuel and not as pleasure....Its just a shame that they would not offer healthy options for people who really do care about what they eat. Don't let them make you ruin your hard work. Show them how strong you are.
  • aimeetu
    aimeetu Posts: 139 Member
    I know what you mean. I have a girls night out planned. I'm hoping to get away with the whole "I'm the designated driver" thing so I only have a drink or two. The pizza only option stinks but eat a piece of a veggie or two and that won't throw you off too bad. Keep us posted.

  • tracey2710
    tracey2710 Posts: 197 Member
    Don't feel guilty - if you've been so good throught the week relax and let your hair down. I'm not saying go completely crazy but don't fuss too much about it. I weigh myself every Friday morning once I get up, so my motto on a Friday is "Weigh-in = Pig-out" (well within reason), that one day off the diet makes all the difference. Have fun and enjoy your night!:bigsmile:
    It is April Fool's afterall, indulge, within reason of course. Stay away from light beers, they have fructose corn syrup which inhibits your metabolism. Grab a good craft beer instead. A good semi-dry to dry Red Wine is also a good choice
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Look this is a lifestyle change so everything you do has to be done in moderation. You are an adult and should know how much is enough. Enjoy your night. Do not over do it and hit the gym tomorrow. If it helps research healthier alcoholic beverages in google just to give you some ideas. Don't have no more than two slices of pizza. Eat before you go so you aren't really hungry and be tempted to over eat.

    There shouldn't be any are allowing yourself to enjoy a night but just take some steps beforehand to make it fail proof.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Single shot Vodka and Sprite Zero (or club soda and lemon and lime). ~60 cals each

    Pizza o.0 what's that? :-))