I was upset..

yesterday and I ended up eating a lot more than I had planned. I felt overly full and miserable the rest of the night. I thought I had stopped doing that, but it just seemed to happen yesterday. I feel horrible :( I guess, all I can do next time is try to focus before I do something stupid.

Anyone else dealing with similar issues? Any tips?


  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    we all struggle. some days I go off plan and over eat. I travel and try not to force my diet on my family and as a result i'll have whole weekends off. this is a life long process so accept that you can't be perfect every time. learn from your mistakes and today is a new day.
  • possummama
    possummama Posts: 96 Member
    I did the same thing yesterday. Had dinner with friends and ate whatever was in front of me.
    But today is a new day, let's make a new start. A psychologist I heard speak at a seminar once said the average binge causes you generally to gain less than 1/2 pound, so let's balance ourselves today and we'll be fine.
  • paniolo5
    paniolo5 Posts: 186 Member
    I do this more frequently than I'd like to admit. I just read in Fitness (I think it was Fitness :smile: ) that if you eat a big piece of cake on Monday, you'll feel the effects of the sugar on your cravings until Thursday. I realize everyone is different in how foods affect them, but that was an eye opener for me. I do have my treats here & there but I try not to overdo it. I know for me when I totally purge a food from my diet, I crave it until I go crazy. If I allow myself mini treats every now & then, I do better.

    I will say if I really need a treat, I try to eat it later in the day. My treats are typically high sugar. If I eat it early in the day, it makes me hungry the rest of the day & I overeat. If I eat it later, I go to bed & sleep through the worst of it. :laugh:
  • acknan
    acknan Posts: 261 Member
    Guilt doesn't help... resolve to do better the next time and make sure that you follow through on that! If you are feeling guilty, you are beating yourself up and what we really need is positivity! Best of luck! You can do it.
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    Ahhhh ya me to,I hate the guilt that comes with that and my body totaly feels like I abused it.We all have days like that ,reconize it and move on.Its all good:bigsmile:
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    It happens to me too. I used to do it a lot and beat myself up over it. Now, if I do it, I just resolve to get back on track and this strategy seems to be working. I'm doing it less. Also, I let myself have more treats now as part of my daily calorie count. The problem is these little 'binges' are unpredictable. You never know when one is going to hit you. Just be determined to continue the fight and I believe you'll be successful in the long run. NO one is perfect.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    That was yesterday - forget it. We all have bad days sometimes. I have one rule: log everything - then move on.

    I think when you have a bad day its tempting not to log it at all and just feel guilty - so if I log it I know how bad I've really been. It tends to prevent me from thinking 'well I'm over today so stuff it - lets have another (insert guilty pleasure here)' - and it gives me a sense of perspective when I weigh in and look at what I've eaten that week.

    One bad day isn't going to hurt you that much... just make today a good one.
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    If you're saying that your body feels terrible after the splurge, as opposed to feeling guilty...then what a great lesson your body is teaching you! Our bodies are so amazingly smart and if could listen closely then we'd know how to take care of it. I'm certainly learning this!!

    If it's guilt you're feeling....well...move it onward rather than backward!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    (insert guilty pleasure here)'

    This is strictly a food related comment....
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    It happens to the best of us. Before MFP, if I cheated, I used it as a license to cheat the rest of the day. Now, if I screw up, I look at it as an isolated incident and try to get back on track right away. I do a cheat meal (NOT A DAY) and it helps when I get the urge to cheat. It is something to look forward to. A lot of people different opinons on this, but it works for me.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    When I was going through emotional eating I had to start by switching my foods of choice. In the beginning for me it was a chocolate bar and/or a whole can pringles. I changed it to grapes, plums, bananas, yogurt, s/f popcicles....things with lesser calories but will still give me that yummy fullfillment I needed. I've wheened myself off of that now by diverting my attention elsewhere. I read more books to comfort myself or I just on the treadmill . I'm no longer a emotional eater but its not something that happened overnight. It was a long process that still tries to rear its ugly little head but I'm in full control now. Not my emotions. Just work actively towards recognizing when you are in an emotional spiral and find ways to deter it.
  • TheNettis
    TheNettis Posts: 22 Member
    I do this too, it usually happens when I have nothing to do and Im home alone, I start searching the cabinets for foods. Actually last weekend I did this and ate some food that I really didnt need, college campus always has unheathy stuff. Actually it felt weird eating it....like it didnt feel right, and as I was eating I was thinking "I shouldnt be eating this". But I finished the food anyway, then afterward I felt super full, guilty, and disgusted. I wanted to take it back.

    It sucks, but anytime I feel that urge coming I usually think back to how bad it made me feel, how sick and sluggish my body felt. I ask myself do I really wanna feel like that again? And just distract my mind until the urge lessens up. You could drink something, or chew your favorite gum.

    Dont keep thinking about it though, it was a little booboo and there is always time to recover. :)