Anxiety over the S-C-A-L-E....

Day 5 of Atkins Induction for Me....My plan is to step on the scale Sunday. This I must say makes me anxious. In the past I've gotten so discouraged if it didnt move and instantly wanted to give up....Although I WILL NOT give up no matter what this time, I'm still nervous...Is this "normal" ?


  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Not saying you have to apply this but there are a couple of comments regarding low carb and no carb and the effects from it.

    Just for knowledge (please take with a grain of salt but this little site has tons of information). :smile:
  • carlybarley22
    carlybarley22 Posts: 197 Member
    Of course it's normal! Don't worry as much about the scale as you do about how you FEEL, and the weight will drop right off =).
  • LosingTheWeight2014
    I understand the Anxiety, but seriously if it's making you that anxious, just don't use the scale.

    If the scale made me that anxious I would just weigh once a month or maybe twice a month. I am personally a daily weigher...I know that the scale could possibly go up or down day to day, but I want to know what my body is doing.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    That is very common for those that give the scale a lot of power in our weight loss journey. Try to work on seeing the scale as one of the many tools you might use. Don't put it on a pedestal...the all knowing scale. Because franklin the scale doesn't know jack. It knows that something has been lossed or gained but it doesn't know if its either fat (which is good) or muscle (which is not so good). I would suggest getting a measuring tape and track your measurements. Also purchase a fat loss monitor ( Its a really good tool to have.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I, too, am on a low carb diet. Stick with it! It's hard at first, but once the cravings subside (if you're experiencing those), it gets easier. It's not a diet that works for everyone; I get that. Some people are very against it. But it really works for me, and I feel better physically when I limit carbs.

    I'm another "scale addict." When it doesn't move for a week, I can get discouraged. But I just remember that my body is burning fat, and I'm building muscle, so when my pants fit better, I know I'm losing weight, even if the scale doesn't reflect that.

    What helped a recent plateau for me was cutting out diet soda. I know these are no calories, no carb drinks, and I don't think it was really the diet soda that was bad, but replacing it with extra water may have helped. So be sure to get lots of water. I read somewhere that 8 glasses plus 1 extra glass for every 25 pounds you want to lose was a good goal (for me, that's a total of 10 glasses per day). And be wary of so-called low carb foods. Basically be wary of foods that talk about "net carbs" as they really may not be as low carb as you think. Just try to focus on naturally low carb foods like veggies (non starchy) and berries and lean meats.
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    As I've mentioned many times, The scale can be your enemy. Go by look and feel mor than weight. Did you check out Marks Daily Apple?
  • sweetiev
    sweetiev Posts: 18
    It took me a while to understand that my body had to adjust to a different way of eating. And yes I am obsessed by the scale even when everyone told me to measure myself I still couldn't stay away from the scale. It was a lot of hard work blood,sweat and tears to lose 72lbs but I did it on atkins and found the longer I did it the less I missed the bad foods (still drool over the odd potato!). I still had things here and there that I shouldn't have(alcohol) but I still managed to do it. A routine with eating and food is something your body will love and crave to do! Never give up when it goes up on the scale, I have and it has gotten me no where and even farther from my goal. Just be positive and keep plugging away. On this website we are all here to lose the weight regardless of how we do it and to which method or bodies respond to now that your here you will learn who your friends are and the support and encouragement will be given freely. And there is an aray of negatives thrown around too but my favorite quote from Nemo by Dori....."Just keep swimming, just keep swimming" you will learn to love it all, atkins is a big change from the norm, I carried the book around like a bible for the longest time!
    Goodluck in your ventures and I will keep making the "encouragement comments" I love them!