Calorie requirement & exercise calories

Ok, so I've been working out intensely and eating very clean and low cal for the past year and have lost over 90+lbs. Yea me, right? Now I want to lose 7 more lbs and I appear to be stuck.

My trainer suggested I do a VO2 test and a resting metabolism test. I did those and my resting metabolism is 1199 which is low. Not surprising. I've been eating 1200 calories a day for the past year to lose weight.

I work out with this trainer for 1 hour 6 days a week doing cardio and weight lifting. On top of that, I go to a 60 min spinning class once or twice a week. I also run 10-15 miles a week. Up until this point, the weight was falling off easily. Now I'm stuck.

The place I took the tests at said I need to eat 1700 calories a day (min 1199 + 500 calories for working out). That's a lot and I'm afraid to do it. I'm comfortable with my 1200. I am hungry though and I notice this when I work out a lot or go for a big run.

My trainer said to eat 1400. I've read a lot about fueling your body and how your body metabolizes things and everything I read says to eat more. My trainer says not to. So, I'm not sure what to do. Do people "eat" their exercise calories? If my Polar watch says I burned 800 calories after a 6 mile run, do I really need to eat 2000 calories that day (1199+800)?

I know there are a ton of fitness people on here. I'm looking for a sports nutritionist to help me figure this out, but until I find that person anyone have any thoughts or ideas? My body fat % is 27.2% so I'm technically "normal" but really want to lose the last 7 lbs to make it an even 100lbs!