weight loss after being sick

MrsKGV Posts: 3
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone,
I am just getting over the stomach flu and have lost some weight as a result of not eating, losing water, etc. What's the 'rule' when tracking weight loss? Should I consider that weight I've lost or wait it out a few days until my appetite fully recovers?:smile:


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I don't know about you, but any weight I lose when I'm sick like that I gain right back in a day or two. You can record the loss if you want (it is a real weight loss, even if temporary), but don't be discouraged when the scale creeps back up a bit. :)
  • heathhumble
    heathhumble Posts: 178
    Hi,this obviously isn't considered a good weight loss.Your body lost valuable nutrients & Fluids do to dehydration.You will want to recover slowly over the next several days continue to eat and drink healthy and you should be ok.
  • Heck record it! I had the stomach flu on New Year's Day and lost close to 5lbs. This is what started my weight loss journey! I said "you know what, I was given a free pass and lost weight w/o trying. I am going to make the sickness work for me!" 38 lbs later I haven't gained it back! You can make it work for you!! :)
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    There is no rule. I had the flu at the start of the year. I know I dropped some weight then but I decided to stay away from the mfp program till I was well enough to eat properly and exercise again. First weigh-in back was the same weight as just before I was sick which seemed perfect for tracking again.
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