Office jobs, ugh!



  • Joseyapo
    Joseyapo Posts: 6
    To each their own but I have been working out since October of last year and not watching the types of foods I ate, just making sure I was getting what I needed for calories. I lost 3 lbs in 5 months, not good... Since I've started eating healthier and cutting out the FAT calories, I have lost 5 lbs in 16 days. Every nutritionalist and personal trainer I have talked to has said eating healthy is a big part of losing weight. So I'm sorry to say this, but you are wrong

    If you are counting your calories, and meeting your goals... and still not losing weight... wow! I'm sorry... that seriously sucks. Everyone in our office has been losing weight by just tracking their calories and staying at or below their goal. 3 of us started at the same time. I've lost 16 lbs, one has lost 13, and the other has lost 8. You have to be completely honest and enter everything you eat.
  • bka8
    bka8 Posts: 92
    Not that this really merrits anymore comment, but really, who wants to eat their 1400 calories in twinkies? I'd be starving (and eventually malnourished unless I took mega vitamin supplements)! Even now when I allocate for some fast food and am at my calorie goal, I feel gross. Sometimes people are on this site to become healthier. Part of that is losing or maintaining weight, but part of that is understanding what is better for your body. You just feel better when you eat the foods that your body needs.
  • cbratthauer
    cbratthauer Posts: 228 Member
    To each their own but I have been working out since October of last year and not watching the types of foods I ate, just making sure I was getting what I needed for calories. I lost 3 lbs in 5 months, not good... Since I've started eating healthier and cutting out the FAT calories, I have lost 5 lbs in 16 days. Every nutritionalist and personal trainer I have talked to has said eating healthy is a big part of losing weight. So I'm sorry to say this, but you are wrong

    If you are counting your calories, and meeting your goals... and still not losing weight... wow! I'm sorry... that seriously sucks. Everyone in our office has been losing weight by just tracking their calories and staying at or below their goal. 3 of us started at the same time. I've lost 16 lbs, one has lost 13, and the other has lost 8. You have to be completely honest and enter everything you eat.

    Yea you're right I'm probably eating chocolate cakes and ice cream in my sleep and not logging them on here...
  • Joseyapo
    Joseyapo Posts: 6
    Yea you're right I'm probably eating chocolate cakes and ice cream in my sleep and not logging them on here...

    I knew it!
  • pearlsgirl96
    I'm going to butt-in here but its not just calories in- calories out. You need to get enough calories every day to feed your muscles and metabolism properly. Too little caloric intake and your body will start to burn off muscle mass and your metabolism can go into starvation mode (which is a biological device where your body will store as much fat as it can to protect you from starvation as opposed to allowing for the calories to be burned off). All calories are NOT created equal and those little doughnut treats you keep eating are not doing you any favors as they spike your body's insulin level which signals your body to store FAT! There is such a thing as quality calories. You would do well only eating things like that on a cheat day. Also exercise is how you stay fit and young so you can feel good to keep up with your wfie and children. Exercise is also how you work out your heart muscles and lungs to stave off heart and lung diseases and high blood pressure. Exercise builds muscle; more muscle mass means more calories burned off even while the body is at rest. Ask any nutritionist or personal trainer. They will tell you the same.

    You make some good points... but 1400 to 1500 calories a day won't put me into starvation mode. Starvation mode is a term people usually use as an excuse for people to eat more. This app warns you that you shouldn't eat under 1200 or you may enter into starvation mode. I'm not saying you shouldn't exercise... I know that it is good for you. All I'm saying is that it isn't necessary to lose weight.

    In my earlier post, with the twinkie study a professor had done... he ate 1800 calories of twinkies each day and lost a bunch of weight. If you eat 1800 calories of twinkies, or 1800 calories of fruits and vegetables, you will lose weight. If you eat 3500 calories of twinkies, or 3500 calories of fruits and vegetables, you will gain weight.

    - CHALLENGE - eat 300 calories less than your daily goal... for 1 week... as long as this puts you above the 1200 minimum. With or without exercise. And I guarantee you will lose weight.

    "Calories are really quite innocent. They don’t even know if they are an olive oil calorie or a vegetable oil calorie or a Pam spray calorie or a trans fat calorie, they are just a calorie."

    And here's a study to counteract yours:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I have no problem sitting on my *kitten* all day. I face a huge window with bright sunlight streaming's quiet because everyone else is working in the back, not a woman in site. I have my snacks and my green tea or water. It's like I'm in my own little world up here. I can sit on MFP or Facebook all I want because my work is done by 10am. It's great! I am active when I leave here, but for approx. 6 hours a day, I do absolutely nothing but file and data entry with some spreadsheets and correspondence mixed in.