Help with food please!?

I am doing very well on my mission to loose weight, the gym is my bible, I am more or less always there when I can be however, I fall when it comes to food, food is my weakness. I am not fat or over weight, i just want to tone, but i want to keep off the wrong foods oviously. I eat a lot of stir fry, vegetables, salmon. Can any one suggest anything else please that is yummy and not fatenning, high in calories?
Thank you.
Polly X


  • javalette
    Hi! Try broth-based soups (with chicken or turkey and tons of veggies)... they are a great way to bone up on nutrients without a ton of calories.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Look at friends diaries and get some ideas. Some people even have open diaries. A lot of things I was going to suggest are US products but if friend other MFPer's from England they may be able to help.

    Look up 'Hungry Girl' she has some nice recipes. Good luck.