Fit and Fun Sized April 2010

jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
Hello everyone,

This forum group is for those of us who are 5'3" or under, but any one can join us. It seems that those of us of a shorter stature seem to have a more difficult time getting down to a health weight and staying there.

How did you do for March? What are your plans for April?

My weight is now at 137, a number I have not seen in a very, very, very long time. My ultimate goal is 130. The closer it gets the harder it seems. ( Especially, when some one at work just gave me a box of dark chocolates for helping them. Maybe I shouldn't be so helpful. lol) So my March goal is met.

For April? I might try short term goals this month changing them each week. Not sure yet?

How about you? How did you do in March? What are you plans for April? What type of goals work best for you?

Have a great Friday and good luck to all of us this coming weekend,



  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    Woohoo....YEA for the short people....I'm 5 feet tall....and weight has been an issue for me my whole life...I'm currently 146, but I hope to get down to 115...120....somewhere around there....
  • pineappleroo
    pineappleroo Posts: 47 Member
    I hear ya! It's really hard to do. I'm 5 feet tall. Weigh 150 lbs. I've dropped 53 but am having a really hard time going past that. Still pushing on through though.
  • katzav
    katzav Posts: 67
    I'm 5'2" and it takes me FOREVER to lose weight!
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    Hey shorties!!!! I'm Angel and I'm 5'1" and I'm hoping to lose about 5 more pound. I really just want to tone up more all over and tighten my lower body a bit.
    I have a photo shoot that I'm planning to do in the summer so I have to get it tight. I'm a stay at home mom of 3 and I workout at home everyday so there is no excuse for me.
    Good luck to everyone!!!
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I love groups for short people with similar weight loss goals. I'm here to share my goals and successes. Yesterday I went shopping for shorts and bought the size 2s at American Eagle. I started MFP in November at 140lbs and my current weight is 122.4. My goal is 120 by May 7 and I'm feeling confident on making that. I love MFP and the support I have gotten. I plan on using MFP for a few months after I hit my goal to keep me on track through the stressful times of moving and starting my new job. I have found short term, weekly, goals to work better for me. Then breaking the weekly into what it will take daily to make it happen. 1 pound is a great goal but put have to plan how to get there. I have become a gym junkie and I love it. I look for extra ways to burn a few calories every day.

    Goals for April:
    Make it under 120lbs
    Lift weights to define shoulders and arms
    Do more ab work
    Tan on sunny days :)
  • mae3785
    mae3785 Posts: 40 Member
    I finally found some fellow shorties :) I'm 4'11" and currently weigh 135 trying to get back down to about 120-125. I just joined this website about 3 days ago, so I'm just hoping counting calories will work for me again and I'll be back down to weight where I'm comfortable.

    I'm hoping during April that I can drop five pounds and continue my strength training routine.
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    You can add me if you'd like so we can keep each other on track

    Should the title be edit for "Fit and Fun Sized April 2011"
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I missed your Birthday Viv! Happy birthday!:flowerforyou:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome - JesaGrace, pinappleroo, katzav, Angel1029,rmhand and mae3785
    I can’t believe I put 2010 instead of 2011 in the title. Does anyone know how I can edit the title? That is too funny, but also shows how busy life can get.
    The closer I get to my goal the harder it seems to loose. I knew the last 10 pounds would be hard, but I did not think it would be this hard.
    Rochelle – wow! A size 2 shorts- that is wonderful.
    Mae- MFP is a great site. I have been on here for two years now and I just love it. Hope you do too.

  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    Hey Shrimps ;-) I'm 5' 2" (157.48 cm) and 148lbs (67.1 kg). I started at 165 last year. I hit 155 (and stayed there for quite sometime). In late Feburay I joined MFP and have since lost 10 lbs (although I gained back 3 this weekend). I found I lost the most weight the few weeks that I took on weekly challenges. I find that Tickers work to help me with my weekly progress..or joining challenge groups on MFP. All this being said I would like to hit 132 lbs (59.8 kg) June.

    Some of my favorite weekly challenges include:
    225 minutes of walking/weeks
    5 x 60 minute workouts/week
    5 Servings Fruits and Veggies everyday for a week
  • holly0623
    holly0623 Posts: 66
    Yay more short people! I'm 4'11 , 115 trying to get down to 105ish. It seems to be taking forever!!
  • mrsanderson404
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome Taco and Holly. Nice to see you here to Viv and MrsAnderson

    I don't think I could have lost weight this time around if it wasn't for MFP. Between the ticker, the support groups, recipe ideas and of course, the calorie counter there is a lot of help here. I haven't had much luck with the challenges, but I am up for trying any if we can thing of one for us to try here.

    I walked my poor dogs today. I say poor because I do not walk them like I use to and as I should. For April I hope to walk them once a week. During the summer when the kids aren't in school it gets a lot easier to get walks in.

    April is National cook with color month. By adding color you add fruits and veggies. With that said, I hope to have a colorful month of well thought out meals.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hi all,

    this is not diet related, but a really cute video that's going around.


  • ChshireKat
    ChshireKat Posts: 117
    Hi all.
    I decided to stop going to the gym because I am very bored with it and am taking horse back riding lessons as a weekly alternative. The weather is clearing up so walking should get easier. I had the flu last week so I missed my first riding lesson and 3 days of work. I hope the start of april went better for everyone else.
  • amo13
    amo13 Posts: 87 Member
    Love this post (giggled at 2010)! I did GREAT the first two months, plateaued in March and now I've decided that I'm not looking at the scale in April. I've bumped my workouts up a notch - and eating back some of my exercise burned calories. Hoping that will make a difference in April! Want to reach my first goal of 20 pound loss by the end of the month *fingers crossed*
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Annita - I am so happy for you! Horseback riding is great exercise and a good confident builder for other things.

    Amo- Bumping up the exercise will help as will continuing to watch what you eat. Good luck this month.

    I am doing well this week despite not getting in the usual exercise. Looking forward to the weekend to start gardening and riding the horses.

  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Lynn, Thank you so much for keeping in touch with me. I do appreciate it. I was on vacation last week, without electronics -- celebrating 30 years of marriage. The week before that, crazy busy at work and getting my taxes done. I didn't want them hanging over my head while I was on vacation. Didn't post my food but I found myself being conscientious (for the most part) -- desserts are still my demon. I may have gained only a pound while I was gone -- not too bad. I did go on a couple of hikes while I was gone so that helped balance things.

    I started to read previous posts and realized I was in March part 2, not April -- we are a chatty bunch. Too tired to go thru April. My work week after time off is always busy, too so gotta get to bed. I'll just jump back in beginning tomorrow. Missed hearing about all of you. I've really gotten attached to this group. :heart:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hey everyone,

    We started splitting the posts between this one and the old tread in March. Let's all post here from now on. I admit I did it too.

    This week has been difficult, but I am doing OK. I started doing my old faithful exercises again ( ButNGut and arm weights) and of course riding my stationary bike.

    Spring Soccer is over and that means getting back to a normal schedule so to speak that will allow more time for me to do my thing.

  • Ree_Chatelain
    Ree_Chatelain Posts: 229 Member
    I'm 5'2 when I started I was 280lbs now i'm at 158lbs, I want to get to about 135 because I'd like to keep some of my curves.