April Goals

Here are mine...what do you guys hope to achieve?

1. Water, Water, Water. Bought a new water bottle for a reason, now use it. 64oz daily!
2. Make it to ONEderland. (AKA under 200). This is totally doable, only have about 5 or so to go. (If even)
3. C25k 3x week, MINIMUM. Shoot for 5.
4. Do abs every single day but sunday, and push-ups mon, wed, fri, sat.
5. Continue to track food with myfitnesspal but try eating other healthy food, doesn’t have to always be a spinach salad and yogurt. (yum!)
6. Become more organized..plan meals and workouts in advance and mark them off when you’re done. (The visual aspect is helpful to me)

AND totally not weight loss related, but I also need to figure out what I want/what I want to do with the hubs for one ONE YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. Crazy that its already been 11 months today. Love it!

Let’s get it April.