HMR shakes and diet?

jrlitt76 Posts: 52
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
Has anyone had any experiences with this? a nurse at my job says a hospital recommended this to her and she lost 19 pounds on these shakes. Just wondered what others had experienced or if they had tried the shakes and meals?


  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Yes. I've done it and it worked to get the weight off - but I didn't sustain it after. Not because I couldn't, but because I didn't. I didn't switch to healthier eating - I slowly just started eating like I had before. So, its huge that she keeps going to meetings after she's lost the weight. I didn't --- things would be a lot different now if I had just kept that up.

    If anyone does these shakes or any of the shake/meal replacement plans, they absolutely should be under a docs care because of the stress to the body. If you do only shakes you MUST have weekly check-ins at the doc. They do blood test, etc each week and cardiograms every few weeks to make sure your body isn't under too much stress.

    I was the picture of health on them. However, 6 months after the fact, I lost a TON of hair because of a delayed stress reaction. Of course, I lost hair when I lost weight quickly just changing my diet and adding exercise too - just how my body deals with stress.
  • ontherd
    ontherd Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I ve been seeing a nutrtionalist and she has given me shake recipies to drink in the morning. i love them, they are quick, and filling. i find i can be satified until snacktime at 10:30. It has activia yog(lowfat) skim milk, frozen berries,ground flax and for protein u can add protein powder or i use the liquid eggs or the silken tofu( very low in fat but high in protein. If u need it a bit sweeter ad a banana.

    as for just shakes as a diet. no i havent heard of that. the key to sustain weightloss is to eat things u like and want.

    hope this helps a little bit
  • i did a shake diet ...i lost 2 stone and after i come off the diet, i was good for a while.....but over the next few months i put all the weight and more back on. since then i have sorted my self out with a diet plan and work out plan, and im lighter than i was when i was on the shakes.

    since then i havent ever been able to face shakes since, they make me feel ill. although, since i really started training i have started using protine, just cus i know i dont have enough in my diet especially with what im trying to achieve.

    its ok for a few pounds if you have an big party coming up, but longterm i found its not effective unless you are going to stay on the small amount of callories that it limits you to.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Just a note: HMR diet (at least the pure shake one) is meant only for those that are obese. You can do a shake, pre packaged HMR meal combo with fruits and veggies if you have less to lose and this has a lot more calories (more like a 1200 calorie diet) and doesn't need as close of supervision. The pure shake diet is considered a Very Low Calorie diet (500 calories) and needs complete overseeing by a doctor.
  • jrlitt76
    jrlitt76 Posts: 52
    ok thanks all. we were just considering the pudding/shakes to suppliment one meal to help with weight loss, like breakfast or lunch...I wasnt thinking of going full boar with it. just wondered if the shakes and pudding tasted good. I have done slim fast in the past and I like those for quick/low cal snack or one meal substitute.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Yep - taste wise and filling wise they are just fine. You can add sugar free pudding or jell-o to change up the taste a bit. I have lots of recipes. I still use them from time to time.
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