I am starting to loose my motivation

RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I am starting to loose my motivation, this weight loss process is starting to become really hard. I know that people say do not focus on the scale but when the stupid thing does not go down it is hard. Sometimes my clothe fits loose sometimes it fits tight and it is so frustrating.

I have been on this website for almost 6 months now,I started back at the end of October , when I started I was loosing 1lb a week my starting weight was 164. I dropped 13lbs by mid December and I was really excited than the holidays came I gained about a pound went up to 152 than I took two weeks off from exercising still did my best to log my food. Came back started exercising watching what I ate and the scale went up to 153. I have been stuck at this yo-yo-eying pattern for the last 3 months. Some days I look at myself and can see a change in my body other days I see a big gut and hate the way I feel, I start to feel that I am not making progress my jeans one week fit loose some other days they fit tight.

I know there are going to be some people here that will say stop with the scale ok I get it, but when your clothe is not showing anything different it is very frustrating and hard not to focus on the number.

I have completed one round of p90x and I am currently doing Insanity, why can I see the wonderful results that other people are seeing with these programs what am I doing wrong. I am so ready to give up and just say forget it :sad:


  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    i feel the same way sometimes, but is it REALLY worth giving up on the hard work you have already accomplished ? that's my main big motivation..i have lost 12 lbs in 2 months, and i busted my *kitten* off ( close to literally ) and i can't give up now..is there anything besides p90x you are doing ? add me if you need some support, best of luck :)
  • shamekaq4
    shamekaq4 Posts: 24
    Don't give up because I am going through the exact same thing. I am currently doing Insanity and I feel like I am losing but the scale isn't telling me that. I have moved in belt size but nothing on the scale. In fact, it seems as though I am gaining rather than losing. Everyone here on MFP and friends have told me that I am gaining muscle rather than losing weight. It seems like a bad thing but I have a lot of fat on my stomach due to having four children so I know that it will take time. But, we can't give up... WE WILL WIN THIS BATTLE!!!!
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    First off, take a deep breath. Second, don't give up!! There are days when it's going to be tougher than others. Knowing that ahead of time will help you to push through it. Just don't ever give up. The scale, clothes, tape measure, whatever...may not always reflect a change. That doesn't mean changes aren't happening, though.

    I'm not going to tell you to give up the scale. I use the scale every day, multiple times a day, even. I just read (can't remember where) that by using a scale every day not only makes you accountable, but if it starts going up, you can get a head start on fixing things.

    Forget what's already happened. Work on the now and plan for the future. Having a plan...meals, workouts, strategies...will help you to succeed. Just don't ever give up because that's when you fail. As long as you keep trying and pushing yourself, you can't help but succeed in improving things. :)
  • kookla33
    kookla33 Posts: 234
    Even though you have not gotten the results you want, look how far you've come. You still lost weight and got into a healthier lifestyle. Give yourself some credit!

    If you are watching your calories and keeping them in the daily allotment for you, and you're still not losing weight, you might get your thyroid checked. Low thyroid can cause you to gain and hold on to weight, no matter how hard you exercise or how diligent you are with your diet. A lot of women have this problem and don't know it.

    Don't give up! Setbacks make you stronger. Just by having a goal to be healthier and fitter, you are giving a gift to yourself and the people who love you. Its a priceless gift.
  • Sorry you are feeling frustrated. It is a slow and life long term process. Okay so you know about the scale. However, because the scale is NOT smart and cannot tell the difference between fat and muscle the BEST way to see if you lost weight is yes through your clothes AND through measuring yourself. Take before and after pics too! They are sooo motivating and a great way to see what you have accomplished. 1lb of Fat = the same as 1lb of muscle. So, if you are losing weight slow and steady properly this is how it will work. In the end the scale rearly moves!!

    That being said, every 4-6 weeks you will want to change up your workout program. Our bodies are VERY smart and the muscles remember the moves and stop burning fat for us. So, to stop plateauing keep changing things up. Work in strength training 2-3 times a week. The more muscle you have the MORE FAT you will BURN. Keep in mind that muscle is leaner than fat and it is impossible for ladies to bulk up. When doing cardio besure your heart rate is at LEAST at the Aerobic Zone level OR EVEN BETTER the Threshold Zone! Each age has their own category for safety reasons.

    Hope some of this is helpful to you.. I wish you the best. You CAN do it!
  • Oh another question, are you following the Nutrition guide provided with Insanity? Losing weight is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. The nutrition is the MOST important. You can workout allll you want and as hard as you want but with bad nutrition OR not meeting your total colories for the day, all your hard work is down the drain.
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    Don't give up because I am going through the exact same thing. I am currently doing Insanity and I feel like I am losing but the scale isn't telling me that. I have moved in belt size but nothing on the scale. In fact, it seems as though I am gaining rather than losing. Everyone here on MFP and friends have told me that I am gaining muscle rather than losing weight. It seems like a bad thing but I have a lot of fat on my stomach due to having four children so I know that it will take time. But, we can't give up... WE WILL WIN THIS BATTLE!!!!

    Sorry to hear you are going through the same thing I know just how you feel. I love Insanity but I just want to start seeing some results I guess I am getting impatient
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    Sorry you are feeling frustrated. It is a slow and life long term process. Okay so you know about the scale. However, because the scale is NOT smart and cannot tell the difference between fat and muscle the BEST way to see if you lost weight is yes through your clothes AND through measuring yourself. Take before and after pics too! They are sooo motivating and a great way to see what you have accomplished. 1lb of Fat = the same as 1lb of muscle. So, if you are losing weight slow and steady properly this is how it will work. In the end the scale rearly moves!!

    That being said, every 4-6 weeks you will want to change up your workout program. Our bodies are VERY smart and the muscles remember the moves and stop burning fat for us. So, to stop plateauing keep changing things up. Work in strength training 2-3 times a week. The more muscle you have the MORE FAT you will BURN. Keep in mind that muscle is leaner than fat and it is impossible for ladies to bulk up. When doing cardio besure your heart rate is at LEAST at the Aerobic Zone level OR EVEN BETTER the Threshold Zone! Each age has their own category for safety reasons.

    Hope some of this is helpful to you.. I wish you the best. You CAN do it!

    Thank you for the motivation, I guess I just need to push myself harder when doing Insanity
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    You were lucky to lose so much weight at the beginning. The closer we get to our ideal weight, the harder it is.
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    Oh another question, are you following the Nutrition guide provided with Insanity? Losing weight is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. The nutrition is the MOST important. You can workout allll you want and as hard as you want but with bad nutrition OR not meeting your total colories for the day, all your hard work is down the drain.

    No I am not following the nutrition plan, I do pick things here and there from their menu. I did not follow the p90x one either and managed to drop 13lbs. I just started Insanity as well so hoping to see some results by the end of the first month I guess I just get inpatient
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    You were lucky to lose so much weight at the beginning. The closer we get to our ideal weight, the harder it is.

    oh boy is it hard is killing me
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    I know it can be frustrating but Don't Give Up!!!! You can do this.....
    Maybe take a good look at your food dairy...is there something you need to change
    are you eating foods w/too much sodium, are you drinking enough water??
    You may have to adjust yourself & what you are currently doing.

    Are you doing any other types of exercising??
    Sometimes we need to switch our exercises up because our bodies get used to the same after awhile

    Scales are just plain dumb!
    I would suggest to take a pic of yourself each month (to compare...easier to see changes)
    & take measurements of yourself (compare each month)

    Don't stress over this....stay positive!!
    Definately don't give up.......tomorrow is a "new" day :smile:
  • hey momma! i know your frustation. i noticed with insanity i didnt loose weight, a total of 4lbs, but my pics are a whole notha story. you can tell with my sides, my back, my tummy, my legs, everything was smaller and tighter, but weight wise i wasnt really going down. a lot of peoples results show that they dont really loose. i def think it is what you are eating (i personally know bc i struggle with what i eat and if i dont eat right i dont loose.)...but dont give up. i understand your frustration but what could you gain from giving up? this is your lifestyle right? not a quick fix? if it is just a quick fix then you should be angry at yourself for not being so strict, focused, and determined. but if you are doing this as a healthy lifestyle that will stick for the rest of your life, forget that stupid scale. i know we want to see the thing go down, but that isnt our motive behind it. it is to gain healthy eating habbits, so that when we finually get to our goal, are we just gonna do whatver we want then? no. this is a LIFE journey. sometimes it takes others longer, esp those who like to go through weightloss roller coasters and eat good one day, bad the next, work out one week, skip another (talking about myself here), but i know that this jounrey isnt just until i get to my goal, it is for life and there are going to be times when i LOOSE fast, and when i stay for a WHILE. it is all on us. its all the choices we deicide to make. i don make the best ones so i have no room to complain at my weight stand still. my ups and downs are because of MYSELF, and not that scale. but i do noitce if i drink 15-20 glasses of water and stay within cals for a week, i WILL LOOSE. but i havenet goten past that week to see if it will continue to go down. ah. i really need to get with the program!

    you got this girl. you are doing great and rememeber this is a lifestyle, nothing less.
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