Heavy Revy would like to be the NOT so Heavy Revy! :-)

Ok, I'm 39, I'm a Libra, I like long walks in the rain......wait.....wrong site. Lets start again: :-)

I am actually 39, married to the love of my life Carrie Mauldin (clmtxk) for just shy of 20 years. I have two beautiful boys, Zachary 16 and Samuel, almost 3. Samuel is proof positive that God has a sense of humor! Lets just say he was a surprise! I've been a pastor for almost 17 years and own my own computer repair company.

I am 6'7" tall and weigh in at a scant 380 lbs. 380 sounds bad and it is but I'm a giant of a man so I am fortunate that I carry it well. It doesn't mean I feel well though! My nickname really is "The Heavy Revy". I picked it up a long time ago and it stuck, kind of like the pounds. I was introduced to the site by a Facebook friend. In the very short time I've been here on this site, I've found it really helps keep you honest and keep you on track. I'd like to get back to the weight I was when I got married, 240 lbs. Truth is, if I'm able to get below 300 lbs I'll be thrilled! For me the biggest motivator is not the scale but my health and my life. I want to get more out of it and enjoy life with my wife and kids more. I want to be a more active husband and father. It is hard to do when you are carrying this much weight.

I've battled Lyme Disease for almost nine years, sometimes I'm winning, sometimes I'm losing. The fight continues. I've been having seizures for almost four years.I was pumped full of steroids for years, which didn't help me in the weight department. The sad truth is, losing weight for me is not that hard. I don't have to do much. My problem is a sweet tooth and a touch of laziness.

I'm looking to get everything out of this site I can. I'll gladly encourage others and hope that others will in turn encourage and motivate me. If you are looking for a friend on here, friend me. Best of luck to each of you on your health journey. God bless!

Micah AKA "The Heavy Revy"



  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    glad to have you here to join you on this journey! It is amazing what God can accomplish in us and through us with a little bit of discipline, a healthy dose of faith and some good friends to walk with you...as well as family support!
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    Welcome to the site...it's an amazing source of encouragement...
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    First of welcome to the site, secondly I started a mens group where we pool advice, tips, workouts, and weekly challenges to get us going on the right path. I welcome you to add me as a friend as most of this info gets posted to my blog as well as diet and workout tips. So if you are interested feel free to add me as a friend.
  • JPayne53
    JPayne53 Posts: 235 Member
    Why hello Revy.. and good to have you.. (notice I left out the Heavy!) You will love this site and all the friends you will be making!! The Heavy will soon be dropped from your name I'm sure.. but then what will everyone call you?? Idk... we can take a poll and make something else up I guess!! Hope your journey is successful and happy!
  • ProudMomoftwo
    I am still relatively new to MFP also.
    I am on a similar journey and love to have encouragement and support from others as well as give it.
    You may friend me if you like
  • operationli482
    operationli482 Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome! This is my second go-round with MFP. Good luck to you and feel free to add me as a friend, if you would like.