Pleasbe firm with me

Hello All

I really need some people to be firm with me, this is the point that I always fail at, I always give up when I get to this weight.

I've been taking the p*** a bit with the diet and keep eating badly and then not logging it.

And now I've had some bad news at work (I may be losing my job) and all I want to do is binge eat. I went to the pub and had one drink to relieve the stress and came home and had doritos. I really want to order a take away and so far i've resisted.

But I am struggling so much. I need some people to be mean to me, I need to break through this :(


  • rosieflo
    rosieflo Posts: 218
    I'm not really into being mean, but you need to realize you've almost accomplished 1/2 of your weightloss goal. Don't let your bad news be topped by self created bad news. You can control your next bite. Your next meal. Your next weigh in. So do it. :) (There, that was my attempt at mean! LOL)
  • PoorGirlEatingHealthy
    i am awesome at being firm! I would be delighted to help! Friend me if you'd like!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    The only thing you will gain from continuing to make bad food decisions and not exercising will be all the weight you've already lost. And all that will do is make you feel worse about yourself, which will make the work situation even more difficult to handle. DO NOT GIVE UP. Do something positive for yourself instead.

    Friend me if you'd like... but don't wimp out at this point... you've come too far!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Wish I could............. I'm the same way
  • MrsMuffinRun
    Hi, why don't you allow yourself one naughty night per week. Mine is Friday, when I have exactly what I want for dinner (tonight it's fish n chips, hubby's getting them now). The rest of the weekend it's cooked meals (calorie counted) and then Monday to Friday I'm eating a well known brand of diet ready meal lol. I find it really hard not to snack, so I'm tending to have brekkie and dinner and the rest of my cals are in snack form. It's working for me so far (6 pounds lost) but you've lost loads more so you prob have better tips to give yourself.
  • tjjotoad
    tjjotoad Posts: 22 Member
    Sometimes you just need a reminder of why you're doing all of doesn't have to be mean. I get it though, I respond better to criticism than support- the old "I'll show you" method. I finally realized, with the help of a good friend, that this is a journey, not a destination. You screw up, you get back on the horse. It will be that way forever, just don't give up completely. Put the Doritos down and stop wallowing. Time to suck it up and get back on track. (Ok, that might have been a teensy bit mean)

    You can't control other people's actions, but you can control your reaction. Or as Gandhi said "No one can hurt me without my permission". Stop giving the universe permission.

    And if all that didn't make you hate me...feel free to friend me!
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I allow myself to go out 1-2x a week, but only if i stay in my calories by doing so! If i drink, i dont have pop as mixer but either use a cranberry juice, or straight shot with lemon. light beer instead of full. If you must eat doritos, thats fine, but eat the serving. Stay within your calories! Its ok to splurge a little but only within reason. dont give urself free nights because thats a way to get out of control and easily slide back into binge eating... a free night should be a planned thing, like you eat low cal all day to save up enough calories to eat a certain dinner u desire...but if that certain thing makes u go over then its not allowed.

    Yesterday I went out for dinner, and i had full flavor icecream for dessert, i went out for coffee, etc, and I was still 300cal under my limit.. and i didnt starve all day

    If you dont log the bad food you eat then how can anyone tell u NO?? How can you expect someone to be mean to u if ur diary looks normal? You need to hold urself accountable for EVERYTHIGN you eat, and within seeing everything laid out, you will begin to change habbits.. but if u let it slide all the time, u r not helping yourself.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    These are your own words:
    "I've tried loosing weight so many times before, but I keep giving up and putting it back on. I'm a bit of a yo-yo dieter. MyFitnessPal has definitely been the easiest way so far. I am determined to loose it this time and keep it off.
    Why I Want To Get In Shape To be healthier. So I look good as a bridesmaid next t my skinny friends! Feel good about myself "

    No matter what's going on right now, none of these goals are any less important. You can do this- and you WILL. You are stronger than a Dorito.

    I just joined this group and logging the stuff I'm binging on was HARD, REALLY HARD. But it's like taking a good look at myself in the mirror <groan> and realizing that I haven't sabotaged my entire week of eating well ( like I thought) It has helped me get back on course much quicker- instead of feeling defeated and throwing in the towel.
    I'm here along w/ others to cheer you on, while I run ( and stumble) myself.
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    DON'T DO IT!
    Sorry, that was me being firm...and a bit of a drama queen...

    Anyway, what do you get from eating out? About 30 minutes of enjoying good-tasting but bad-for-you food? And how do you feel after you eat it? My guess is you feel worse than you did before you ate. As Brad Pitt says when he guest-starred on Friends, "It's food, Monica. it's not love." I hope you can stay strong and get through this stressful time. And maybe when stressful times come around again, you can draw from what you learned this time and break the cycle once-and-for-all! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    No matter what's going on right now, none of these goals are any less important. You can do this- and you WILL. You are stronger than a Dorito.

    This made me LOL!!! :laugh:
  • mblanch
    mblanch Posts: 81 Member
    Thank you so much every one :) reading the quote from my own profile made me a bit teary eyed lol.

    I decided to distract myself by doing exercise. I took out all my aggression :) and then I came back to read this and it made me glad and made me want to carry on. I've not had tea yet, but I will have something healthy and not a take away :)