The Best Exercises to Reduce Waist Size

Here is another article I found... I will definitely give these a try as well... :smile:

Reducing your waist size is dependent upon cardiovascular exercise and strength training exercises for your core. The core is made up of your entire waist, which includes the lower back and stomach. By using cardiovascular exercise to burn excess weight you can reveal a smaller waist size. Core strength training tones your muscles to help create a natural girdle that can help to further reduce your waist size.

Flutter Kicks
Flutter kicks, or bicycle crunches, strengthen the front and sides of your waist. Lay on your back with your hands behind your head, keep both legs straight, lift your legs about 6 inches off the floor, touch your opposite knee and elbow, repeat on the opposite side and repeat for 10 to 12 repetitions. Your legs should mimic the pedaling motion of a bicycle.

Hanging Oblique Knee Raises
For this exercise you can use a chin up bar or similar sturdy device. Start by holding the handles so that your body is hanging. In a slow, controlled motion pull your knees up and to the left side of your body, lower your knees and repeat on the right side. Continue alternating knee raises for 10 to 12 repetitions.

Lying Back Press
The lying back press strengthens your lower back to help reduce your waist size. Lie on an exercise mat on your stomach, reach your arms overhead, keep your legs straight, place one hand on top of the other, simultaneously lift your arms and legs toward the ceiling, hold for one second, release and repeat for 12 to 15 repetitions.

Interval Training
Interval training is a form of cardiovascular exercise that burns a higher rate of calories and fat in 15 to 25 minutes per day. According to ACE Fitness, interval training uses intervals of intense cardiovascular activity alternated with intervals of low-intensity of the same activity. The intense intervals should be performed with maximum effort while the low-intensity intervals are performed at a resting pace that allows you to recover. Each interval can range from 30 seconds to several minutes, and is dependent upon your energy and endurance.

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