How to Get the Fat Off Your Stomach

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Abdominal fat is problematic in two ways. It can affect the ways clothes look and fit and it also increases your risk of developing health problems such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Abdominal fat may increase with age or may accumulate due to weight gain or pregnancy. In order to shed belly fat, you must make nutritional changes and implement an exercise regimen into your daily routine.

Step 1
Consult with your physician to make sure that you are healthy enough for exercise. Some health conditions may prevent you from being able to participate in aerobic exercise. Always ask a doctor prior to starting any program especially if you are in doubt.

Step 2
Participate in a moderate-intensity level activity for a minimum of 30 minutes each day. defines a moderate-intensity work-out as one that allows you to speak short sentences but prohibits you from being able to sing. You will have faster breathing and sweat lightly. Exercising in this manner will help you burn fat throughout your body, including on your abdomen. Spot reduction is not an effective method to lose stomach fat. Abdominal strengthening exercises such as crunches can help tone the stomach but they will not reduce fat in the stomach area.

Step 3
Develop a healthy eating plan to get your weight under control and into a healthy range. Consult with a dietitian or nutritionist if you need help. explains that reducing your daily intake by 500 calories per day will help you lose 1 lb. per week. Replacing sodas and sweetened tea with water or eating a piece of fruit instead of cake after dinner can help achieve this goal. Writing down everything that you eat and drink will help you keep track of what you consume.

Tips and Warnings
Be patient with your weight loss. Learning to eat healthy and exercise daily is just as important as getting rid of extra padding around your stomach. These habits will benefit many other areas of your life and cause you to have a healthier body overall, decreasing your risk of developing health problems.

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