I found the best source of motivation! Seeing myself 40 pou

SenseAtional Posts: 134
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I posted about my newest motivator on my blog, at this site: http://mywalletisfatnotme.blogspot.com/2011/04/lose-40-pounds-in-2-minutes.html.

I titled the post, "Lose 40 pounds in 2 minutes!" because you can see what you will look like when you reach your goal weight using the tool I've linked to. It's so easy to get caught up being negative when you hit a plateau, so I love being able to see what I'll look like when I hit my goal weight.

I hope it motivates you as much as it did me!


  • Thanx!
  • hikingmonk
    hikingmonk Posts: 134 Member
    Cool link. Thanks for sharing!
  • angelicpiece101
    angelicpiece101 Posts: 40 Member
    the only weird thing about that site was that my fat spots were still the same in both pictures which I sure as heck hope arent when I lose all my weight!! lol it was just funny to see me at 106 lbs with the same size love handles as I have now....but my face was tiny, either way kind of interesting to see
  • the only weird thing about that site was that my fat spots were still the same in both pictures which I sure as heck hope arent when I lose all my weight!! lol it was just funny to see me at 106 lbs with the same size love handles as I have now....but my face was tiny, either way kind of interesting to see

    Yeah, I thought that was weird too, but you can really see a difference in the face, and the size of the arms and thighs. The torso is smaller, but still has the same problem spots.
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