healthy breakfast & lunch ideas

jodik11 Posts: 64 Member
I recently dropped to 1200 calories this week and I'm struggling. Does anyone have any suggestions for breakfast and lunch? I seem to be going over my sodium and sugar intake a lot and I don't use salt or add sugar to anything. I'm desperate for some new ideas.


  • JanerZzz
    JanerZzz Posts: 276
    Hi Jodi,

    My diary is wide open if you'd like to check it out for suggestions. I've been having low cal cereal with almond milk and fruit mixed in, greek yogurt parfaits, oatmeals, cream of wheat for breakfast. for lunches I've been bringing in wraps with veggie burgers, hummus and whatever else i feel like adding. cups of light soups, salads with salsa as dressing...stuff like that.
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    My normal breakfast is 2 large eggs (140 cal) and a smoothie i make with 1/2 a cup almond milk (20 cal) and two cups raw strawberries (about 100 cal). It is very filling and all together under 300 calories. Plus it gives me a lot of protein (eggs) and fiber (strawberries) which keeps me full :)
  • sullyboo
    sullyboo Posts: 256 Member
    Cereal for breakfast, or poached egg on wholemeal toast, or big fruit salad and yogurt. Lunch....Salad and tuna or chicken, soup?? Hummus and carrots/celery/cucmber.
    Thats kind of what I have if it helps. I try and save more calories so can enjoy dinner in the evening.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    For breakfast, I normally have:
    -2 packets of instant strawberries and cream oatmeal with a banana chopped up in it

    -Banana and peanut butter toast with egg substitute and salsa. (Just two slices bread, a sliced banana, 1-2 tbsp of reduced fat peanut butter and 3/4 cups egg sub. with 2 tbsp salsa)

    -Egg substitute and salsa with toast and grape jelly (regular grape jelly, I find the sugar free to be gross)

    -Blueberry bagel with 2 tbsp reduced fat strawberry cream cheese and egg substitute with salsa

    For lunch, I just have two sandwiches and a serving of light/baked chips. :) Occasionally, I'll have salad with light ranch, ham, cheese, and a boiled egg... Or pita sandwich with grilled chicken, garlic hummus, and fresh spinach.

    Maybe not the "healthiest," but just wanted to share a few ideas anyways. You can always find healthier versions, you know?
  • ricepattikay
    ricepattikay Posts: 46 Member
    One of my favorites is Kashi blueberry waffles! 150 calories for 2. I heat them in the toaster, put just a tiny big of butter on them and I swear they taste like blueberry muffins to me! I try not to have too many carbs but I need the fiber so this is a good way to get it. I add a couple of 50 calorie weight watcher cheese sticks for extra protein some days. Or a nice juicy orange. Good luck!
  • ATXJudie
    ATXJudie Posts: 67 Member
    Sometimes I have something different, but generally for breakfast I do a piece of toast, 2 hard boiled eggs (whites only) and some type of fruit - typically berries. Three times a week I have a morning bootcamp - so those days I have toast with peanut butter before the bootcamp and then my two eggs and fruit after...generally it keeps me full until about 12:30 when I eat lunch.

    For my lunches I typically do soups (I really like the Pacific Foods soup - and eat 1 cup) and a salad or leftovers from dinner the night before.

    I *think* my food diary is open - you can look at it...but I have only been logging here for a short time.