No exercise = failing diet

aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I just need some encouragement and tips. I had to cancel my gym membership last month and I cannot start up another one for 2 weeks (one week from now). It seems since i quit going to the gym..that I haven't given a crap about my diet! I start the day of well...trying so hard to eat well...then by the end of the day I blow it.

It's like when i don't exercise and feel good about myself that I am doing well..i just say, "screw it." It's been super rainy here in Seattle and i just HATE walking outside when its raining....

I know, all of this is really just a bunch of BS excuses.....I just need to "woman up" and deal with it!


  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I feel the same way! And I too have been dealing with the rain in Seattle. They do say that people who work out have an easier time sticking to a diet. I know that on days that I don't work out, I don't seem to care what I eat.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    i swear weight loss is 80% diet, 15% exercise, and 5% mental. Sounds like you need to get the mental part up so that you can focus on your diet until you can add the exercise component.

    You know what you need to do and you are worth it so don't cheat yourself of a healthy lifestyle. Try sticking with small goals so you dont get overwhelmed and plan your day's worth of food a head of time!

    Good luck!
  • !

  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Girl up, girl!:wink: Yeah, I'm totally kidding.

    This is that missing link that the nutritionists/personal trainers talk about. There is a mind/body connection, and how you feel about yourself and how well you look after yourself is definitely affected by exercise or no exercise. My hubby & I call it my "happy pill." If I'm not lifting weights (much more so that than cardio), I am a GROUCH and the diet is the first thing to go.

    The good news is, there's PLENTY of exercises you can do to jump-start your day, like burpees, knee-ups, jumping jacks, jump rope, sprints, etc., that require NO GYM and will kick your a** big-time. Good luck, and get back to it, woman! You can do it!:happy:
  • Nkauj_Lis
    Nkauj_Lis Posts: 70
    What I do is, put on my HRM, turn the TV to something interesting, worth watching, then I do my own exercise, from jogging in place, to walking, arm work, excercise move I've learned, ect. I just make sure my heart rate is between 65%-85% and at the end of the hour, I burn 350-450 calories. It's really fun and goes by so fast.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    This is what you do: get up off your *kitten* right now, pull up your big girl panties and say "I'm doing this for me!".

    Then take you happy butt to Wal-Mart or go onto & order yourself some workout DVD's. The gym is over-rated. I am proof. I am better built, cut, toned, firmed & stronger working out at home than I EVER was in the years spent at the gym. I spend my "gym" money on new cute workout gear (who cares if no one butt me gets to see it, I'm the one who counts!) and on new DVD's & equipment: nothing fancy, just some dumbbells (3, 5, 8 & 10 are what I use), a step for my cardio/aerobics, some exercise balls (2 & 5 pounds) & wrist & ankle weights to up my resistance & a resistance band.
    I mix up my workouts from Strength, Cardio, Step-Aerobics & Dance to Tai'Chi, Tae Bo, Kickboxing and Yoga (Instructors like Tammilee Webb, Scott Cole, Janis Safel, Jillian Michaels & Stacy McCarthy are really motivating!).

    And what you don't spend on the gym you can now spend on the new wardrobe you KNOW you'll end up needing. I was so happy when I fit back into my old size 9's until I realized I was in better shape & they just don't look the way they did 5 or 8 years ago! I am now closer to a size 7, which I have NEVER been in my LIFE! The rest of the money I save may end up starting to go into a new, uh, "chest lift" shall we say :wink: since they were mostly fat & I've lost a lot of fat :tongue: Either that or buying stock in Victoria's Secret add-2-cup-sizes :laugh:

    No excuses, you're stronger than that.
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Seattle here, too. I personally hate exercising and the only thing I really like to do is walk & hike outside. This rain is a total drag.
    I'm just focusing on eating smart right now, and being successful at that goal.
    Get outside when you can.
    I'm going to look into the Leslie Sansone DVDs, I have heard good things about her.
    Just stick with it and don't give up!!:bigsmile:
  • Curtism1234
    Curtism1234 Posts: 73 Member
    A have a similar problem. When I can burn 800 calories a day doing cardio, I can eat whatever I want. But I've had a bad back injury the better part of a year that has keep me from doing much. It's very hard to stick to a diet.

    I understand though it takes about 2 weeks for your body to recognize a routine change. So if you keep you diet up for a couple weeks, your body will have an easier time accepting the new norm.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    can you get on youtube? there are a ton of zumba videos out there! look for an hours worth of zumba videos and your set :D
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