
Weekends are the hardest times for me. For the past 3 months, I have gained and lost the same 8 pounds over and over again. First of all, we eat out a lot on the weekends. I tell myself all the way to the restaurant to make a healthy choice, but once we get there and I see and smell all the food then I normally cave and order something not so healthy. Also, since my girls and hubby are home it throws my routine out the window and I do not find the time to exercise like I should. I want to break out of the 190s soon and I know the key is going to be gaining control of my weekends!!!!


  • PoorGirlEatingHealthy
    i eat out a lot on the weekends too...my strategy is to look up the menu before I go and select something healthy...that way the whole way there I am thinking about what I am going to eat and It is easier to ignore the tempting stuff...once in a while I let myself have a little treat but I have to have earned it! Just remember Nothing tastes so good that it is worth regretting eating later!
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    I know the feeling! You need to change where you are going and pick something, figure out the nutritional info, and write it down! Put it in your pocket, bring it with you to the restraunt! Dont even open the menu! If you go to the same place you revert to your favorite before this lifestyle change. It still happens to me when I go to basically any place with buffalo chicken!
  • Beehiveof8
    Beehiveof8 Posts: 85 Member
    I know what you mean. I was just saying to my dh the other day I have to do better on the weekends! Ugh!

    Here is what I suggest:
    1. Scrap the eating out for a while. If you are looking for something special, why not buy something you don't usually purchase for a meal... keeping "healthy" in mind? Exotic fruit for a dessert? and out of season veggie you love? A lean, but spendy cut of meat? It will be better for you and cost less in calories and $$.

    2. You don't have to have a formal workout to get a workout. Maybe the family can go for a nice, brisk walk, or bike ride, or roller blading, or play soft ball, or kick ball, or badmitton, or whatever you can do to just get moving.

    3. If the above doesn't work out, then you could just say "Okay guys, I'm 'at the gym" for the next 60 minutes." Then go work out however you want for that amount of time. Maybe in front of a fave dvd, or go jogging, or whatever you want to do to get a good calorie burn.

    4. This is debatable, but I firmly believe in a "day off". It doesn't mean you can go crazy, but take day off from counting calories and having a serious work out. My day is Sunday. I don't pig out, but eat something I normally wouldn't the other days, in moderation.

    I hope that helps!
  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    these are all great ideas - thank you guys!
  • cirka2002
    cirka2002 Posts: 134 Member
    I agree! Weekends are so hard for me because the rest of the family is around. We don't eat out much, but I love to cook them big meals and bake them yummy sweets! OH, and I like to have a few drinks on the weekend too. SO, yes, they are really hard for me too. You are not alone.
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Basically, you have to decide whether you really want to lose weight or not. No one can do it but YOU. There is no magic. It's not easy. I now see food I want and think... "is it worth an extra hour on the elliptical?" if so, fine. No guilt attached. If I want it, I eat it. BUT I still have to be accountable later - I have to put in extra time on exercise OR not lost the weight. It's MY choice. YOU have to make the choice as well. In the end, you are paying the price.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I do a long run on Saturday mornings so I get all kinds of extra calories to play with that day. Sundays are usually my rest days and also tend to be my official "pig out" days...this weekend I'm attempting to circumvent that by going on a long hard hike with a friend of mine prior to the aforementioned pig out:)
  • secondsnooze
    Go online and decide what to order before you go!
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    I take a different approach. EAT BEFORE YOU GO!

    Don't consume all your calories, but get some protein in and it will help curb you appetite. I like the pre-selection of what you will order and also promise yourself you are only going to eat an appropriate serving. (Take home the rest for another day)
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    I relax a bit on the weekends. I stay within or under my calorie allotment during the weekdays, but on then weekends I go up to 2000cal. I like loosing the weight but I still want to be able to relax with my family and friends and enjoy meals with them. It still takes a little bit of planning and logging the meals, but it's possible to enjoy a pizza or whatever and not turn it into a 5000cal binge.
    Don't go out to a restaurant starving. Have a lean protein and veggie snack before you go. That might help you not be tempted by all the wonderful smells and order something you'll regret. Eat slowly and enjoy the company and conversation with your family. Put the fork down after each bite and chew your food thoroughly.
    You might start a family activity on the weekends. We've taken to hiking every Saturday morning. Now I don't have to worry about fitting in a workout. We are all doing together. My kids are rather young 6 and 4, but they really look forward to our hikes together. Sometimes one of them gets too tired and I end up giving them a piggy-back ride. More exercise for me :)
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Well, rather than asking how you can continue to do something that isn’t working, you should be asking a different question. Why are you choosing to do something that has proven to you week after week that it doesn’t work? Why do you deserve the repeated self abuse that comes form breaking your promise yourself each and every weekend?

    If you cannot eat out in a way that fits your plan, you need to stop eating out. If you have trouble finding time to workout on the weekend, you need to schedule it in advance—and keep your commitment.

    One of the most destructive things we can do to ourselves in this journey, is make ourselves a promise and the break it. There is a little place inside of you that remembers every time you said you would, and you didn’t; and the times that you said you didn’t, and you did. This voice will show up as self sabotage, doubt, and self-loathing, and all of those other ugly feelings that tell us we’re not good enough.

    Do not feed that voice. Do what moms are always afraid to do, and put your health and wellness at the center of your life. Your children want a healthy mom who is around to help them pick out their wedding gowns, not a mom who knew how to take them out on a Saturday night. You are taking care of them, when you take care of yourself. Be a little selfish, and start demanding a little more accountability form yourself.

  • secondsnooze
    Weekends are the hardest, I agree. I have to plan carefully and even then, I don't always succeed! Keep trying, don't give up!
  • court428
    court428 Posts: 34
    I have the same problem. I just discovered that if I look online for nutrition information and then decided what I am going to order before I get to the resturant that this works quite well for me.