my diet is a runaway train powered by Skittles and breadstic

Kessiexo Posts: 11
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Yes today I felt like I was on a runaway train that showed NO sign of stopping anytime soon. I am completly aware that I am an emotional eater and I was SO proud of myself for staying on track for what would have been my 14th day today. However my "reward" day quickly turned into what i am sure is hell. I have NO idea how many calories I accumulated today but it was more than I care to conciously or publically admit. It was as if one thing after another went wrong and I was deflecting the blows with food.

My disappointment level is maxed out and im currently giving the finger to the...empty.. pizza boxes sitting on my counter. What upsets me the most is I KNOW i do this when I am stressed and I did it anyway. In the moment of opening the bag of Skittles and warming up the mozerella sticks.. i knew what i was doing and i did it anyway. on my reward day. I cannot count the amount of times this has happened to me and then I end up falling off the perverbial wagon only to wait until I have gained more weight and i cant run to catch up with the wagon so I just say screw it.

I could really use some advice or something because I REALLY dont want this to be another notch in my failed diet belt. Which is literally running out of notches. I know all about having a list of things that you can go do that can stop you from this type of emotional eating "binge" and I do have one but its like it doesnt exist in the moment. Also, what do you guys do to get yourself back on track the next day after a pretttttyy bad day? I would really appreciate any advice :) thanks


  • kumamushi
    kumamushi Posts: 103 Member
    As long as you don't let a binge day turn into a binge week you'll be fine. :-) Keep plugging away! I had a week in which I couldn't stop eating chocolate but thankfully I managed to recover from that, and all it did was make me plateau because I did my best to keep it under control.
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    STOP rewarding yourself with FOOD. Food is NOT a reward, it is a fuel. HOw much FUEL have you given your body tonight? Enough? MORE than enough?

    STOP NOW. No excuses.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    It's just a day. Do right by yourself tomorrow.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    First of all, calm down, it's not the end of the world. It's one day in a long process. Today is done. Nothing you can do to change that. We all have days where we go over, emotional eat, have bad foods, too many beers, .... And of course, Skittles (god knows I love them)!

    Now, tomorrow is another day ..... Learn from today and get back on track tomorrow.

    And finally, try to reward yourself with something other than food. Find something that you enjoy (books, music, shoes, spa day, my wife likes coach purses as her reward...lucky me)..... Anything but food as a reward if you feel you cant control it. X

    Remember, this weight loss journey is challenging for all of us, we all "fail" at times, but we all get back on track and keep moving towards the ultimate goal. You can do this!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    A slacker day every week or 2 is fine. Keep portions smaller than you would in the past. Don't buy as much pizza, don't bring in the house more than you can handle. If you can't handle it, then don't bring it in! Moderation is what we are learning. Moderation in extra eating days, and moderation in how much we take in at a time.

    One day out of 10 or 14 is not going to derail you. But the other poster is right. We have to re-learn to reward ourselves with something besides food. Food is more than a fuel to me. Yes, do enjoy food! It's a normal part of life, not something we make wierd and difficult by making it "good" or "bad". I enjoy it and it's a treat, but I am working to make it not a reward. What would be a reward? Find a few things and keep track of them. Make mini-goals and reward yourself with one of those!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I think a cheat or reward days is never a good idea! It's ok to have a little something as long as you stay within your calorie goal, or willing to work off every calorie your eating.
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    STOP rewarding yourself with FOOD. Food is NOT a reward, it is a fuel. HOw much FUEL have you given your body tonight? Enough? MORE than enough?

    STOP NOW. No excuses.

    Yep! I was just about to say the same thing. You really need to stop thinking of food as a "reward". If you want to reward yourself for your progress, promise to buy yourself a new top, some workout gear, a book, etc...

    If you want to cheat on your diet and eat something that is not a part of your plan, then choose a cheat snack or meal - a SINGLE cheat snack or meal, not an entire day. That way, you don't have the entire day to go crazy, you get your naughty snack or lunch out of the way and then you get right back to it. I know that an entire week or two's weight loss progress can be totally thrown out the window with one very bad day - so don't do it!
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