Hello, so I'm new to MFP. I had a question about BMR. My goals say I should eat 1200 cal/day, but the BMR calculator says I should eat 1445, other calculators say as high as 2000 calories. I have been training for a sprint triathlon Since Jan and have only lost 3 lbs. Does anyone know what caloric intake I should be using so I can actually loose weight and see progress from all the work I have been putting in. I've been eating a net calorie of 1200. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :smile:


  • pawprint_net
    In short - follow the goals.

    They take the BMR into account to give you a net intake amount. as it says the BMR is what your body would burn doing nothing to hold at roughly equilibrium - if you track your exercise here that will adjust your intake goal for the day at the reduced intake to give you a net deficit which should lead to weight loss.

    clear as mud?