How to bounce back after a really bad week?



  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement, I really appreciate it!

    phinners, yeah the business culture is totally crazy. I was so excited to stay in these great hotels with fitness rooms and spas, but you're in the hotel for less than 8 hours usually (including sleeping) so there's just no way. What a shame. Seriously though, when the CEO of a company invites you to a special dinner and either orders for the table or tells you what you should eat it's pretty impossible to say no, especially in parts of Europe where that would be considered so incredibly rude.

    I'm gonna try better next time, probably still no time or energy to exercise, but can work on the food/wine part.
  • pj_writer
    pj_writer Posts: 107 Member
    that sounds really tough - I find it it hard not being in control of what I eat. The business culture just sounds awful from that point of view. My equivalent is probably going to stay with my inlaws - MIL always makes pudding and tends to cook very rich food when she has guests and I'd feel rude if I refused it. My stepmother is the same, and always gives huge helpings even if you only ask for a little! I do try and leave stuff on my plate sometimes but I'm not very good at that...

    After your week I'd just try and get back on track immediately and you'll probably find you'll be feeling great again after 48 hours of clean eating, good sleep and some exercise.

    After a blow out (like Christmas, holidays or staying with MIL) I quite enjoy the feeling of getting back on track afterwards and I just tend to try and go with the flow and not get too stressed about it while I'm in that place of not having the choices that I'm used to having!

    good luck, hope you're feeling great again soon!