Resistance tube/band strength training

I have been using tubes in place of the flimsy band that ships with EA Active Sports, but I feel like EA Active Sports doesn't make full use of the tubes. So I am looking to start a more traditional strength training program using the bands while I continue to use my recumbent bike and treadmill for cardio and augment with Wii Fit and EA Active Sports.

Ideally, I would like to find an iPhone app that guides the usage of the tubes (I posted another topic on MFP a bit ago and got zero responses). But I will take any advice or guidance.



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,272 Member
    Have you ever viewed the Leslie Sansone walking DVD's? Her 5 Mile Shape and Tone Up uses resistance bands while walking. Google it and see if you can view a sample or look on You Tube. You may get some ideas from her. I do that walking video and love the part with the resistance bands. I can feel the difference in my upper body and trunk. Also google resistance tubing/band workouts and you'll probably find a bunch of info. Good luck!
  • ITTYbitty04
    ITTYbitty04 Posts: 75 Member
    there are a ton of videos on youtube! I have a resistance Cord workout DVD that I got from Mcsporting goods that came in a set with the bands. It is by Gaiam, try googleing them and see if you find anything that may be what you are looking for. I tried looking for a app for you but didn't see much. are you wanted the app to have videos or just want the app to log and track the resistance exercises that you do?:huh: :bigsmile:
  • dengarrett
    dengarrett Posts: 367
    there are a ton of videos on youtube! I have a resistance Cord workout DVD that I got from Mcsporting goods that came in a set with the bands. It is by Gaiam, try googleing them and see if you find anything that may be what you are looking for. I tried looking for a app for you but didn't see much. are you wanted the app to have videos or just want the app to log and track the resistance exercises that you do?:huh: :bigsmile:
    There are a lot of apps for guiding and tracking weight training to target various muscle groups, etc. - I was hoping for the same based on resistance tubes. I wonder if I can just find ways to correlate the tube exercises to weight based routines.

    I will check out the videos too.

    Thank you very much!
  • dengarrett
    dengarrett Posts: 367
    Hey, I just came accross this web site that has very close to what I am looking for. It shows specific exercises related to specific muscle groups.
  • ITTYbitty04
    ITTYbitty04 Posts: 75 Member
    here is a link that may help you find what you are looking for, I don't have a iphone but it looks like they have alot of apps out there just search their data base.

    when I googled resistance bands for iphone there were quite a few links to look at. hope you can find what you are looking for!
  • ITTYbitty04
    ITTYbitty04 Posts: 75 Member

    here is one more for you to look at! hopefully one will work for you!
  • dengarrett
    dengarrett Posts: 367
    I have searched the app store and had not spotted those. Thank you so much!
  • ITTYbitty04
    ITTYbitty04 Posts: 75 Member
    your welcome! hope the work for you!