Fast Food addict ?

MandeeSue Posts: 153
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Hey everyone, first of all I just wanna say how much I love this site. And about 3 weeks ago I started P90X (at my own pace) but have already lost inches !! But I have a huge problem with fast food !! My family loves to go out and eat on Friday's and sometimes another day of the week, and I always go and eat. After I eat it I feel sick. My husband is working out and has lost over 40lbs. and is looking great. And he doesn't eat out, b/c he is at work when my family goes. So what do I do ? How did you make your brain realize that its bad for you? Or where did you find the will power ? If Im home I stay under my cals. If I go somewhere else I just eat and eat...I really need help. I don't know how to overcome it, and as a result I have lost no weight...Actually gained a little in 2 months..So please any advice would help, I just feel like I should give up trying...I don't know what else to do. Thanks for reading ~ Mandee


  • HJSilva
    HJSilva Posts: 29
    We get take out once a week "pizza friday" My boys eat pizza and my husband and I eat salad. Bring it home is my advice.
  • MichelleMcWain
    MichelleMcWain Posts: 66 Member
    I can totally understand where you're coming from. I am so addicted to fast food.. but as of today I haven't ate out in 3 weeks! So long for me. What helps me is really thinking about how swinging through that drive thru is going to mess up my day when I enter the calories into the app on my phone.. Then I start feeling guilty. After 3 weeks of not eating out, tonight I might be going out and drinking at a bar, so I most likely will go over my calories, but I think cheating every now and then isok, so you don't go crazy!
  • brenda_71
    brenda_71 Posts: 151
    I just try to order grilled chicken salad or grilled chicken wrap. You will feel so much better about yourself if you just do that. You can over come this thing!! Good luck to you!!
  • jcott28
    jcott28 Posts: 16
    Fast food is tricky. But the good news is, most places have at least one decent thing you can get should you end up there. The key is knowing what those things are. If you have an iPhone or Android, get the myfitnesspal application for it and it can help you in unknown cases.

    But take for example Jack in the Box. Grab the Fajita Pita. Or at Taco bell, the taco salad isn't bad as long as you don't eat the shell. But the newish Fresca tacos are probably the best bet.

    A lot of the places now have the calories listed on the menu. Just make sure not to eat the fries :)
  • dababers
    dababers Posts: 135
    No matter where you eat out, there are healthier choices you can make. If you just have to have junky foods, ask for a take-out box when your food comes and split your portion in half. Put a half in the box before you even begin eating. Best wishes.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    what i do if i know i'll be eating fats food is look what's available - i love Wendy's so i try to get a baked potato, small chili, and a side salad and mandarin oranges for dessert. or at McDonald's i'll do a kid's meal with apple dippers and milk or something.
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