How do you deal with Family who isn't also trying to loose w



  • clpolk1
    clpolk1 Posts: 27
    OMG!! My husband eats the same way! Be strong girl, you can do this!!! My husband is military so he is in good shape but also has the attitude that if I am going to stuff the fridge with low fat this and that. for me..I better equally stuff it with regular food cause he is not eating the low fat crap...LOL Hang in there!!
  • BeGreat25
    BeGreat25 Posts: 78
    And as for him eating healthier he'll get it sooner or later. If you're making meals at home I'm sure they're healthier than what's out there in restaurants. I usually get the healthier snacks and make my own desserts at home so when I see my guy munching I won't stress over it good luck friend!
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Make his evening snack time your "You" time. While he's camped out in front of the TV with garbage, give yourself a pedi/mani/facial/whatever. If it upsets him tell him kindly but firmly that you have a food addiction, that you're not going to dictate what he does but that you can't be around it. If he wants to spend time with you at night he has to respect the fact that you're trying to overcome a health problem.

    (P.S. After a while you'll enjoy the time pampering yourself so much that you'll be making sure that his junk food makes it into the cart every week. :-D )
  • barefootbeautiful
    My husband is a postman - who walks 10 miles a day - so weightloss is NOT an issue for him. Having said that, we've come to an agreement. He can eat what he wants, but he can't offer me any, and if it's REALLY tempting, he has to eat it in another room. He's actually been great about it - he'll cook my paleo dinners when I'm working out, and then if he wants extras, they only go on his plate. He's even started having my shakes for breakfast. I'm NOT saying he's quit eating foods that I - at least temporarily - can't have, like buttered toast, but he is AWARE of it now.

    And I've just gotten to a point where it's almost like showing off. "Oh, I feel SO good after that workout!" "That's day X of this diet, and I feel fantastic..." I've decided to make it a little mini-challenge, and it seems to work.

    Just know that he really IS supporting you, even if he doesn't necessarily share your goal!
  • knowmydestiny
    knowmydestiny Posts: 104 Member
    bump, to read and answer to later :)
    I stock my cupboards with "better" choices. I love my husband very much, but his snacking isn't going to be my undoing this time. He has ice cream, I have a Edy's sugar free fruit pop(25 calories). He has pringles, I have my whole grain sun chips(16 are 140 calories). He has a cupcake, I have my Keebler mini pack of brownies(100 calories). When we go grocery shopping I make sure I have an answer to his "snack".

    Have you tried "POP CHIPS" OMG they are soooo good! Here is a Link for them, i buy the 100-Calorie Packs ONLINE, they are my "Fave Treat", my Biggest Snack Weekness has always been Chips & Dip and w/"POP CHIPS" i can get the Flavored Chips and curb my Craving w/out going nuts on reg Chips & Dip!!!!

  • Therapist_mama
    Therapist_mama Posts: 135 Member
    I totally relate! My husband can eat anything and burn it off! I have to work very hard at it! The key for me is staying connected on MFP and giving myself positive pep talks of how I can do anything I put my mind to and that this is for my joy and happiness that
    I stay with my commitments.

    Stay strong and stay connected you have friends here! You are welcome to check out my profile and friend me if you like.

  • Ashtrizzle
    I absolutely know the feeling. My boyfriend gets on the scale all the time but won't stop eating taco bell AFTER dinner at nights.