breast feeding while counting calories?



  • fitmom4ever
    fitmom4ever Posts: 130
    I am still nursing my daughter, who will turn 1 in May. If you pump at all or can estimate the amount of ounces you produce a day there is an entry in the food database labeled "Generic- breastfeeding mother (by oz) rq" that is the most accurate info I have found after consulting with several breastfeeding consultants. Your body will burn about 20 calories per ounce. You can add it in your food diary & it adds calories back into what you can eat.
    I have had some great results & have rarely felt hungry- the baby has been growing well too! Make sure you still take those prenatal vitamins though to make sure your body is getting enough calcium & iron right now. Good luck on your weight loss, you can do it!
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    HI again! If you still can't find it under food...just use the number they have already given you, 1300 (just as an example) calories probably, and add 400 (for nursing) to it...1700. Then customize your the menu bar, go to goal and do customize. You can make your net calorie goal be 1700...then when you put your exercise cals in, it will add those too. Then you don't have to add them everyday as food, to your diary.

    As for when to exercise, I have 4 children and I homeschool (they are 2,4,8 and 10). I used to get up earlier then them and do it. Now, since my older ones can help out more, they kind of keep the littl eones busy for me for a while. I try to get up early and do yoga, since it's quiet. We are living in a tine cabin in Alaska right now. I can't run outside because everything is frozen and inside I can't make noise while everyone is sleeping....I do videos during the day. I agree that the Jillian videos are great and Bob Harper has some good ones too. You just have to make time for you!!!!!!
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    Thanks, I found how to to do it. :)
  • elphalba
    elphalba Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for posting this! I know that I was not supposed to lose over a pound a week due to the fat stores of toxins being released into the breastmilk and I wanted to be sure I was eating enough food. I've nursed five children including twins but this is the first time the weight stayed with me!