
A year and a half ago I hit my lowest weight at 135. I had started my weight lose journey four years prior at more than 185 (I refused to weigh myself after I hit 185, but gained one dress size before deciding to lose). As the weight came off, I took up running, and once reaching 135, I started training for a half marathon (ran 2 last summer). Over the last year and a half, I have gained 12 pounds. I workout 5 days a week, added weight training twice a week, and eat right most of the time, but those 12 pounds bother me. I am still in the same dress size range (2-4) as I was ten pounds ago, but that number bothers me. I am training for another half marathon, I am a full time student (nursing school), and my husband is headed back to Afghanistan, so my stress is high, but I really want those 12 pounds off. Since my dress size is the same, could I have gained 12 pounds of muscle over the last year?


  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Do you take measurements? With the amount of time you're talking you probably have added muscle for fat.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    Do you take measurements? With the amount of time you're talking you probably have added muscle for fat.

    This is what I was thinking.
    If you're the same dress size I'd be inclined to suggest you try and ignore the numbers on the scale.
    You've done great!
  • DRay64
    DRay64 Posts: 69 Member
    One thing you have to remember like MissTom said is that building muscle makes you gain weight. Fat is being replaced by muscle and muscle is heavier than fat. You are doing great and I would love to be able to do a half marathon even if I have to walk the whole thing.
  • momofcole
    momofcole Posts: 18
    Oh my gosh I am in the SAME situation. I lost 40 lbs a few years ago, got down to 130 (even less but that was not possible to maintain for me)-- anyway-- I gained 10 back and now I cannot get it off!! Running played a huge part in getting my weight off the first time but I dropped only 3 pounds this time and now have plateaued. I work out daily, I do cardio and weight training- so I do know I've gained muscle. But, I am unlike you in that I am NOT back into my size 4s which is where I was before. I just don't even know what else to do. It's especially frustating for me because I DID lose it once, so I know it's not impossible, yk?

    I have heard that distance running can actually stop weight loss, so that is probably a big part for you (not sure why this is true). I never got past 6 miles so I didn't really notice this problem, at least not the first time I lost weight.

    So, I guess I have no useful advice- but I completely understand!!
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    Based on personnal experience I hardly lose any weight when I'm training for a marathon and my friend who trained with me last time had the issue. We both lost 6 lbs eventhough our height and weight are very different. However, I normally lose and avaregae of 10lbs the two weeks after the marathon. I personally think that if you are new to workingout, you'll definitely lose weight when training for a marathon but If you are a runner you'll get leaner but without dropping poundage. This is one of the reasons why I am spending the 1st half of the year focusing on weight loss then will start marathon training in July for the Philly Marathon.

    Half marathon training are better for weight loss. Good luck.