Weight charts are criminal.

My ideal weight is 215 lbs. this was found by getting tested at a special facility. Yes, I have big bones and muscular legs. Charts say at that weight I'd be obese. The only way I'll ever get to 185 is by amputation. The bad news is I went through childhood labeled obese even though I was just out of shape. The good news is I've always won the prize at the Guess Your Weight booths.

The charts that claim obese and morbidly obese are criminal. The people who put them together should be shot... with pudding bullets. Regardless what the charts say people on this site are not morbidly obese, you are using other people's definitions if you label yourself that way. What you are is someone who is getting healthier. Yes, you have a lot to lose and less to give away everyday, but your total that you are losing is a sign of the hero in you. As you slim down people will look at you like a hero, someone who took an heroic action and changed themselves and therefore everyone around them. Counting calories is not dieting, it is living healthier. Add balanced food groups and you are on your way to becoming WONDER WOMAN, or in my case KATZMAN! (My last name is Katz and my Zeda when in Russia was named Katzman and changed it to Katz when he moved here in the 1920's.)Throw those damn labels in the basket, stop EVER referring to them. Set realistic goals based on who you are, not what charts say you should be. If your goal is too ambitious then you are setting yourself up for failure as you try to satisfy others.

Real glory springs from the silent conquest of ourselves.
~ Joseph P. Thompson

Set Your Goals High Enough To Inspire You And Low Enough To Encourage You.

My current goal is to get from 327 to 227. I'm 6 feet tall and a male baby boomer. I'm down a little over one large bowling ball, 18 lbs. - If you like the article I'd love to befriend you. If you hated the article you didn't get this far! ; - )


  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    im 6"4 and my goal weight is 197 which will still have me in the highest part of normal on the chart
  • Drthoman
    Drthoman Posts: 6 Member
    I am in the same boat as you! I am at 245 and was always considered obese because like you, i have always been a muscular person with quite a bit of insulation. My doctor actually told me that if I tried to get to my ideal weight of 175, I would look unhealthy and it would be unhealthy for me, so he told me 200-215 would be ideal.
  • nicole00lynn
    this was great! i always won those prizes too, only i stopped trying when i was too embarassed to get on the scale with the huge numbers in front of everyone :)
  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    They told me at the drs office they are NOT accurate for people who are taller than average, shorter than average or pregnant
  • AnneMK5
    AnneMK5 Posts: 110
    I love what you wrote. According to the "charts" I am morbidly obese but then I look in the mirror and think "no I'm not". If I got down to where those silly charts say I should be there'd be nothin left of me!:laugh:
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    Nice post.

    I have to agree with you on those weight charts. They are absolutely criminal because they lump people into a one-size-fits-all mentality and everyone has a different body shape and bone structure.

    I am big boned, however my height is 4 ft 7 in. I am 29 and my start weight at the beginning of last month was 170, currently I am at 156. Those charts however say I should be between anywhere from 75 to 105 lbs. My goal weight is to be 115, and at that weight the charts say I would be considered just "overweight".

    The so-called "PROFESSIONALS" need to get off their high horses and dispose of these charts and instead develop another chart that we can use which will take into account body shape and bone structure as well as age and height.

    :angry: :explode:
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    I have heavy boobs that add on to my weight. I have always been surprised when I got on the scale because I always weighed more than I thought I should. My goal weight is 20 more than is allowed for my height because of that reason. And screw any flat chested chart that says I should be smaller!
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    I love what you wrote. I am 5'4.5 inches and as of this morning i am 327 pounds. I am told that I am morbidly obese as well, but I carry all of my weight in my bum and my thighs and a little in my tummy, but I am much thinner on top than on bottom. I also have a lot of muscle in my upper body and my calf muscles are very very tight. I have a lot of flab under my arms that moves when I wave, but I do have a lot of muscle there. I gained a lot of my weight when my Insulin Resistance came into play right after I finished taking Depoprovera, or the birth control shot. The shot is what triggered it to become active. I know this because I was exercising and following a strict diet set forth by my doctor at the time and kept gaining weight steadily until finally I had gained over 100 pounds in a 6 month period. I am not the type of person who gains weight or loses weight easily so I knew something had to be wrong, especially when I was doing then what I am doing now and writing down everything I put in my mouth and its calories. thanks for this article! I always knew that it was a hoax. I don't look my weight at all.