
Hi Everyone,
I found this site a while back but just started using it a week ago. I can use all the friends and support I can get. My goal is to lose between 20-30 lbs. Good luck to everyone.


  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    Hello and welcome! Good luck on your journey!
  • bluehooked
    bluehooked Posts: 80 Member
    Hi Shell welcome to mfp and good luck in all you do
  • Lhelms84
    Lhelms84 Posts: 12
    MyFitnessPal is such an incredible tool!! I hope you love it! I find that I've become almost addicted to it! So much fun to see my accomplishments! Good luck on your progress! Just keep with it and be consistant even if you have a bad day! (Which, we ALL do!!) =) If you have a smart phone make sure to download the app!! It keeps me more consistant than using the website!

    Best of luck to you!!

  • cbyabree
    cbyabree Posts: 2
    Hello and good luck!!!

    Im new to, had app for a couple of months but am finaly getting my ducks in a row and starting hard core!