Lost my motovation

Hey all I need help! Two weks ago I was so sick...fever, cough, congestion....the whole deal. Since then I have totally lost my motovation!! I'm eating crap..... pasta, cake, cookies, you name it...and have no energy to exercise, the longest Ive been able to go is a half hour on the treadmill and some light weights. My question is how do I get back to where I was?????? Any help would be great!! Thanks!


  • mgreen10
    mgreen10 Posts: 229 Member
    The first few days of getting back on the wagon are THE HARDEST. Learn to SAY NO to yourself. Force yourself to listen to you. After that it will be easier again. :)
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Ok, forgive yourself for the last few days, your body may have needed extra to recover. Guilt is a big deal breaker so ditch it and start afresh...if you can't just dive straight back in, wean yourself down...make nothing off limits but work it in to your calories. And set your loss for 1/2 lb week until you are back into it...knock it down when you're comfortable.

    No-one can do it for you but you have the support of everyone here
  • summerfun21
    I know it's tough but don't be so hard on yourself. The fact that you are doing 30 min shows you haven't given up..just keep building until you get back to where you want to be. Whatever you do DON'T GIVE UP. Remember that drive and determination you had when you first started. You may not be where you want to be but you don't have to go back to where you use to be either...You Can Do It!!
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    i was the same after a cold and its taken me 3 weeks to get myself motivated. It will come to you, maybe your body is still tired from being ill.

    I decided to give my self a major kick up the bum and got the 30 day shred dvd and after day 1 you feel sooo much better!
  • mangorabbit
    mangorabbit Posts: 219 Member
    You can do this!

    I always said I would try not to stop running because the part that was the hardest (and most painful) was starting. Too bad I don't listen to myself more often - but it is true, coming back is hard. You have to find what works for you - are you a 'Jump back in/Full Speed Ahead!!!' kind of person, or someone who would rather ease back into things? And if you were sick, remember to be nice to your body, it has been working hard to kill off the germs that were plaguing you. =)
  • BusyMomma2012
    BusyMomma2012 Posts: 41 Member
    Do you like 30 day shred?? I have it but haven't tried it yet. Think I may tomorrow
  • racergirl1991
    racergirl1991 Posts: 422 Member
    Thanks everyone! I backed my goal off to 1/2 lb a week to give myself time to catch up. Didnt get to the gym today cause of the weather...thunder, lightning, rain, snow and hail all at the same time!!!!! But Im not beating my self up about it and I only went over by 14 cals so im considering that a step in the right direction. Gonna spend the rest of the night relaxing with my boys.:happy: :smile: