Please help me - binge eating



  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    girl, i've been there (and am still there). i have no advice for you but i am here to offer support. i'm working with a therapist and am on anti-depressants as well and they seem to be helping. i am just now working on the self esteem thing and it's a slow process. add me as a friend if you'd like :)
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    Well you are prob eating like that because you are not dealing with some kind of emotions or problems. If this person doesnt seem to be helping you look for someone who specializes in eating disorders. Also there are support groups out there. Now that you are aware you are doing it there are ways to help cut it back. Add me as a friend if you want I would be glad to chat..been in treatment for eating disorders for long time..I know the things to do..I just dont always do them lol dont be so hard on yourself either..that isnt going to get you any where!:wink:
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Simple: Use your self-hatred to your advantage.

    Go to a mirror and look at your face. Take a REALLY close look. See those dark circles? The enlarged pores? The beginning of wrinkles (or perhaps full-on wrinkles)? Are your teeth discolored? Your eyebrows, how bad are they? Man. You're a mess. :-D

    Now, instead of spending your money on junk carbs you better spend it on skin care. And some on teeth whitening. And you need some tweezers for those eyebrows.

    Using these things also takes time away from your binging. LOTS of time. A proper facial (facial wash, a face scrub, a mask and moisturizing) can take up to an hour and should be done a couple of times a week. Take care of ex-foliating everything else while your at it - get a loofah and some body lotion. Get a make-up regime, too.

    How are your nails? File them and paint them. :-)

    You get the idea.
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    Again, thank you for the suggestions everyone.

    I guess I never have considered myself depressed - my grades are excellent, I like seeing/talking to friends most of the time, and generally things are good that way. I've never been abused or anything like that, no traumatic experiences or skeletons in the closet.

    I won't lie, I think part of this lack of self confidence comes from high school and junior high, where I had a lot of guy friends, but no particular guy in my life. Guys would kind of poke fun at me for being the only girl on the drumline, and my senior year the two other senior guys told me to my face they didn't respect me because I'm a girl. I was rejected a lot when I finally mustered the courage to ask a guy out, my prom date (who was just my friend anyway) didn't buy me flowers/ditched me during the dance, and a lot of times my friends (or people who I thought were friends) would just ditch me after we made plans, usually for something or someone more exciting/attractive.

    I think through all of that and then some other factors, I started wondering, what's wrong with me? Why can't I be beautiful enough? Why is it that I'm less worthy of attention? Don't get me wrong, I have a few very close friends that I've known for a long time, and I know those friendships are here to stay. But often I fear making myself vulnerable to others, I fear getting out there, because I'm scared I won't be good enough at some point, and I'll get hurt.

    Anybody else have this experience?
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Again, thank you for the suggestions everyone.

    I guess I never have considered myself depressed - my grades are excellent, I like seeing/talking to friends most of the time, and generally things are good that way. I've never been abused or anything like that, no traumatic experiences or skeletons in the closet.

    I won't lie, I think part of this lack of self confidence comes from high school and junior high, where I had a lot of guy friends, but no particular guy in my life. Guys would kind of poke fun at me for being the only girl on the drumline, and my senior year the two other senior guys told me to my face they didn't respect me because I'm a girl. I was rejected a lot when I finally mustered the courage to ask a guy out, my prom date (who was just my friend anyway) didn't buy me flowers/ditched me during the dance, and a lot of times my friends (or people who I thought were friends) would just ditch me after we made plans, usually for something or someone more exciting/attractive.

    I think through all of that and then some other factors, I started wondering, what's wrong with me? Why can't I be beautiful enough? Why is it that I'm less worthy of attention? Don't get me wrong, I have a few very close friends that I've known for a long time, and I know those friendships are here to stay. But often I fear making myself vulnerable to others, I fear getting out there, because I'm scared I won't be good enough at some point, and I'll get hurt.

    Anybody else have this experience?

    Cover for people often? Always there to help and take care of people's problems and they don't even ask and they sure as hell don't bother thanking? Are you the one that stays to help clean up the mess? Embarrassed by compliments to the point where you jokingly call someone a liar when they pay one to you?

    It's called co-dependent. Welcome to the club. X-D

    Some kinds of abuse don't register to us as being abuse. Or anyone else for that matter. I've had SO many doctors ask me if I was abused because of the way I am and I laughed because I was never molested or beaten. After reading up on the causes of co-dependency I found there are other kinds of psychological abuse out there. It's usually passed down for so many generations that your parent(s) never knew it was wrong. Find it, forgive it, be the better person. It's better than any praise you could get.
  • krise31
    krise31 Posts: 53 Member
    I actually think your binge eating stems from what you actually eat. Its a proven fact processed foods especially those filled with sugar only make you more hungry. Ever eat chinese food and like 2 hours later your hungry all over again?

    I bet if you cut the junk food you're eating out of your diet go cold turkey for a few days you will notice your habit of binge eating begining to curb.