so mad!!!!!!



  • raven1114
    raven1114 Posts: 115 Member
    don't feel bad i once had a pair of pants that had gotten to big on me, we're talking literally wouldn't stay up, so i go to the store and get a pair 1 size smaller, the exact same brand and style and guess what? couldn't even get the suckers over my hips. pissed me off big time. i think they just guess when the cut and size clothes.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    It also can take longer to lose in different places. I had lost about 15 pounds and dropped 4 inches in bra band size, but was still in the same size pants (same style, same place). When I hit 20-25 my pants size dropped quickly. I barely had time to wear the 14s before I had to get 12s. Patience! :D The weight and size didn't happen overnight, it won't go away overnight. But with work and dedication it will go away.
  • Debbisue52
    Debbisue52 Posts: 87 Member
    I've ordered brand new jeans the same brand, same style, same size before and had them not fit the same as the old ones. It sucks....but as long as you're losing weight and feeling better from exercising....don't let it bother you! Good job and keep up the good work!