Hello Out There

cathybuonantuono Posts: 8
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
My friend told me about this site a couple of weeks ago so I decided to check it out. While I am new to MFP, I have been on my weight loss journey for two years. To date I have lost 50 pounds but have not lost a single pound in a year. I keep losing and gaining the same 5 pounds and can't figure out what I am doing wrong. I have been following Weight Watchers all this time and I exercise for 90 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Any suggestions???


  • ltowne
    ltowne Posts: 129 Member
    Hi! Good luck on your weight loss journey. I joined MFP on January 1st and have lost 15 pounds. I have added an exercise routine and feel so much better both mentally and physically. Try to vary your exercise routine and watch your sodium intake. Lots and lots of water too!!! Feel free to add me to your friend list and I will be here with encouragement and support for you.
  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    What do you usually net for your calories? If you're exercising a lot and not eating your exercise calories (or at least a decent portion of them) you could be in starvation mode, which would lower your metabolism. Or maybe your body has gotten used to what you're doing? You can try to vary it up a little bit.
  • BirdJean
    BirdJean Posts: 3
    I agree that cross training helps to get all of your muscles working to burn energy. Also make sure that you have carbs and proteins together during the day in small meal form to promote even fuel burning. Hope this helps.
  • Thanks for everyones suggestions. I am trying a little bit of what each of you suggested plus I spoke with a dietician and my primary care doctor. I make sure I eat my base calories (1500) every day (or at least pretty close) so I don't think I am in starvation mode. I recently started changing up my exercise routine and according to the dietician started substituting some of my carbs for a little more protein because I am adding muscle. Unfortunately, I have entered menopause and my doctor has told me that that will make it a little harder for me to lose weight. So, I will just keep plugging away and hope for the best.
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