My introduction

alex215 Posts: 518 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
I just discovered that mfp actually is more than just a phone app to log calories so i thought i would post to introduce myself and say hello.

My name is Alex and I have been using mfp for the past few weeks or so. I downloaded it for my phone in January and didn't really use it but when i started to really get serious about my diet i started to log all my food and it has helped a lot. I have dropped 26lbs since January and hope to lose another 20lbs. I am currently 204lbs and about 5 years ago i was 300lbs so my weight loss journey has come along way. so i'm not really new to a healthy eating lifestyle but mfp sure does make it a lot easier. Well enough about me, i hope everyone is doing well on their weight loss journey as well.


  • dkinman
    dkinman Posts: 10
    I was doing the same thing. I added the app in December and had been logging calories since then, but last week I thought I would check out the site and found it motivating. Congratulations on losing 26lbs since January!!!
  • kelly6485
    kelly6485 Posts: 78
    Welcome! THis is a great site, lots of great support =)
    Friend me if you would like!!
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