
I am not necessarily new to MFP, but I have never posted a blog on here. My name is Shannon and I am 22 years old. About 2 years ago I was at 145lbs, which is where I am comfortable at. I am 5'9 and now weigh 186lbs. My son turned 1 in Feb., and I have yet to lose the baby weight, and It makes me very uncomfortable. Being a young mom, working full time, and school full time, I find it difficult to find time to exercise. I mostly work out when my son sleeps, but I don't feel like I do enough. I also for the last two years, have had horrible eating habits, but now I am trying to be careful what I consume. My problem is I will do wonderful all day, but at the end of the day I ruin it by drinking soda, or eating more calories than I should. When I do this I make my self so angry, because I feel like crap the rest of the day. Am I the only one who does this?

I joined MFP to log my food and excercise, and to hopefully find encourgement along the way. My fiance is not much of a support system. He has seen me go on too many diets and fail. This makes him think I can't do it, but I would love to prove him wrong. I would love to go shopping , try on clothes and not cry. I would love to feel comfortable in my own skin again. I hope this time it's a sucess! =]

Add me if you would like.


  • deema79
    deema79 Posts: 108
    Hi, there are many people here in the same boat. You are doing this for you and that's what matters. Stay focused and you will reach your goals. When you lose focus just regroup and keep it moving!. You are going to find alot of support and motivation here. Good luck on your journey ! Feel free to add me if you want.
  • thumper67
    thumper67 Posts: 105
    There are so many people out there with the same problem. I struggle the same with my eating. My husband loves to cook and I love to eat but I have made up my mind that I don't want to be the fat girl anymore. I don't want to buy plus size clothes anymore. I want to feel great in my own skin and the list goes on. My friend told me about this website and we join a weight loss group and we are working together to loose weight and feel better about ourselves. I started on Saturday last week and by Wednesday, I had lost 3 lbs. I have never lost that much within the 1st week and it wasn't even a week. Just remember to try and focus on what your eating and make heathier choices for yourself. You'll find lots of support and motivation on this website. Just remember, your not alone! You can do it! Good luck. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
    No you are not the only one!! My wife just brought me Reese's peanut butter cups and she knows I am working toward a healthier life style. So my battle tonight is do I eat them or not??? Next, you should do this for you!!! Our love ones are our toughest critics. Most of the time it is because they don't want to be left behind. Plus there is the fear of what is going to happen when you make the transformation. So concentrate on your goals. Keep logging on and make it a habit.

    P.S. I already know I will not eat the candy.
  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
    Add me as a friend if you like.
  • CanuckAtLarge
    I am the same in many respects.... I have baby weight from my last 2 of 4 kids; I can eat healthy all day long, but look out night-time-binge, here I come!! I am so busy all day long that I don't have much time to even think about how I will fit in exercise. I started last summer to walk early in the morning before my hubby went to work, but fell off the track when late nights working on cakes for my decorating business got in the way of getting out of bed on time! I am just about to start back into walking 2-3 times a week, if I can manage it. Soooo, I get it! Add me as a friend, if you like! :)
  • copperdave
    copperdave Posts: 146
    You're not alone in your concerns about your habits and support system. You'll find this is a great site for "seeing" how you eat and exercise. It's been tremendously helpful. Besides that, you'll be amazed with the number of people who are supportive and encouraging of your weight loss journey. Feel free to "friend" me if you want, and good luck as you progress!!!