boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok...so I weighed in today. The scale said 156 and 156.2. I am gonna go with 156.2. About 2 lbs this week....is what I lost. I took the Alli last week, to see if I noticed any huge difference in weight loss...since its supposed to help with that. Not sure that there is any real difference in what I have been doing on my own, without it.

When I took it before, I DID gain weight with it...although do know that I was not eating as well as i am now..nor doing any exercise....so.....I am thinking, I probably should just chunk the rest of the bottle in there and do this entirely on my own...especially since i know i can. I certainly do no want it to hinder my progress....I just hated for it to sit there and go to waste since it costs so much to purchase.

As far as my measurements go...since there is really no way to share without just telling you...this is what has happened to my body since starting on Feb. 14th.
waist - 35.75 NOW 33
stomach pooch, below belly button 38.5 NOW 36.5
hips 41.50 NOW 39
thighs 23 NOW 22.25
bra band - 38 NOW 36
stomach area at belly button 38.5 NOW35

I have also surpassed my goal for the end of APRIL that I initially set...well...one of them anyway....I wanted to be 152 by the end of the month, then thought that may be too much too soon, so I changed it to 157.4, which I have already passed as of today..so it looks as if 152 will be attainable.


  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    It is just me, but when I started my journey this time I wanted to do it all by myself, no extra weight loss aids. I do take vitamins, but that is it. I figure if I didn't do it on my own I would wonder if I needed to rely on something else for my success, or if I could just do it.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    super congrats on your awesome measurements, btw!!!!
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    Awesome progress, your measurements are really moving, aren't they?! I thought about Alli, but my friend eventually talked me out of it. she said she was sure I could do it on my own. It's just really interesting to me and I wish I knew more about it. At first, I thought it worked by making you sick if you ate fatty foods, but now I think I was wrong. I think it works by blocking fat??? Just not sure. Anyway, if you do keep taking it, post updates letting us know if there is a pattern of more loss while taking it. Congrats though, great job on the loss in lbs and inches :)
  • LauraB327
    LauraB327 Posts: 17
    Awesome measurements!!! I used to take Alli and didn't notice much of a difference.. I keep a bottle on hand though.. just for those nights where I go out to eat- it helps me feel better about eating not so good food!! haha
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