Greetings from Seattle!

innerexp Posts: 32 Member
Good morning, everyone!

I started using MFP about 2 weeks ago and absolutely love this website!

A little about me- I reached my heaviest weight a year ago at 222 lbs. Quite a bit on my 5' 2.5" frame! I've struggled with body image and weight loss for most of my adult life, but that was definitely a tipping point for me. I hired a trainer and committed myself to fitness and nutrition. Although I lost 20 pounds, "life" seemed to continually get in the way of me staying focused on what was important to me personally and I gained back 10. Definitely frustrating.

In a recent meeting with my trainer, she lovingly reminded me that I had to make myself a priority despite the obstacles that keep arising. I recommitted and asked the Universe for help. Which I then received in spades! One friend committed to working out with me daily at the gym (although it had to be early for her- 5am!) and another friend who is a beacon of strength, fitness and beauty recommended this site to me along with introducing me to a whole community of women who are committed to health, fitness and nutrition that I can experience this journey with!

I would love to connect with more people sharing this journey both virtually and in the Greater Seattle area :)

Much love and success to you all on this beautiful Sunday morning!



  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    Good morning and welcome. Like you I have been and down the roller coaster of weight for a bit. I have now come to realize that weight loss might be great by weight loss coupled with becoming more fit and stronger is even better. I too have found this site to be awesome for keeping me on the straight and narrow and giving me an easy way to track calories and exercise. Good luck pon uour journey to greater health.
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    I am the same height and was slightly heavier than you when I begin using MFP in Feb 2011 - you do have to find your own motivation and determination first of all which includes putting yourself first. Accepting the support of likeminded pals will keep you on track.

    I was intending to lose only a pound a week by making small changes but 8 weeks in, having lost a stone (14 pounds) I am determined to raise that bar. It helps that my elder sister is also a member and has herself lost 2 stone since Dec 2010.

    Here's to a fitter future