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I'm not on a diet and NO I am not a cheater!



  • I'm a cheater. Big time cheater every time I go over my calories, I am even known to giggle and smile at my boyfriend when I'm eating something I'm not supposed to (like an extra spoonful of peanut butter!) But I always seem catch myself in the act.... then have to pay my fines to my body through exercise ;) I don't use cheater in a degrading way, I consider the cut on calories to be a game!
  • It's a lifestyle.
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    I have to look at it as a lifestyle, the way I choose to live is to eat 1200 cals a day and exercise 6 times a week for an hour each, this makes e feel good and healthy. If I want to eat more, like try a new restaurant with my husband or have a glass of wine, I do, but I consider this a special occasion, not how I eat everyday. I also try and find a healthy choice when I want (need) chocolate, Nutella has saved me! As I am now in my 50's this gets harder and harder to be at a healthy weight, so I also look at it as I need to do this for my health, I want to be around to enjoy my kids and eventually be a grandmother and be healthy...its a process and a journey for me.
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member

    It's seriously a shame that you feel bad that you have to eat healthy. I used to feel that way. When I was 14 years old in the 80's and on a diet- and felt that I could never, ever eat anything like cake or ice cream EVER again! That all or nothing thinking never got me anywhere! :)
    I'd rather have this issue- than some others- there are people who are skinny buy dying of cancer. I realize that may sound extreme, but if you think about your journey as a negative one- that's how it will turn out for you!

    Bravo!!! Couldn't have said it better myself. I know a big part of my adult over eating was "making it up to myself" for the diets of my teen years. And if I think about this as a world full of food I can't eat, I'll just fall apart and binge. But when I can look at a cookie and think "I can have that. I just need to wait until later" whether later is later today or later in the week, I can totally do that.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    my panties- btw- are not in a bunch for whatever anyone says- my point is that MOST people, NOT all ( I love the game that the one person said she plays with herself as a cheater, because it's used in a positive way.) I think that the word diet does mean what you eat and yes people who have celiac- I know a few, have to have a certain diet. BUT, no one that I know who has a celiac diet has ever been told by another person most likely "You shouldn't be eating that because you're too fat." and the problem I find with the word in the context it is used in that it's done in a negative . When people say , most people that is, that they cheated, what kind of feelings is it going to bring up? I've had weight issues for years, and to me saying " I am on a diet." is saying that one day you will get off of that diet- and that's why, I do believe, one of the many reasons why only 5% of people keep their weight off.
  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    I prefer not to use the words diet or cheat - I try to eat healthy and I have free day that I don't count calories. What bothers me more is people that really put themselves down for not sticking to a plan. One woman posted earlier that she was a "pig" yesterday. Another has a screen name of "Jigglypig". Why are they demeaning themselves and others too who may have a few pounds left to go. Calling yourself a pig implies others doing the same are pigs and that annoys me.

    Hey! That's me! First of all, may I say that your weight loss is INCREDIBLE! I cannot believe your stats! That's one of the most inspirational weight-loss journeys I've ever seen! Way to go!!
    400+ pounds down to 170s...that's seriously incredible.

    Second of all - I just wanted to clarify (thanks for asking!☺) that I decided on the screen name "JigglyPig" for myself because it's funny to me...not in an attempt to demean myself. My *kitten* and thighs jiggle more than a bowl of Jello balanced on Santa's belly. Until that stops, my screen name will continue to be JigglyPig.

    Third of all, I'm incredibly overweight because I spent 25 years eating like a pig. I'm a porker. I'm here to change that. I never call other people pigs though. I have no idea how other people eat. Not all overweight people are overweight because they eat like pigs. I, however, AM overweight because of eating like a pig.. We're talking - an entire box of macaroni and cheese for a family of four, an entire kielbasa, and a dozen donuts in ONE sitting. Hahah now that's pig-like behavior. Obviously - this is a part of my past now since I'm trying to lose weight and change my lifestyle, etc.

    So, calling myself a pig actually does NOT imply that I think others who are the same are pigs. Calling myself a pig implies that I think *I* am a pig. Calling others a pig would imply that I think others are pigs. Since my screen name is not "I'm a pig and so are you" then I don't think your assumption is very fair or valid.

    Another thing you said is, "Why are they demeaning themselves and others too who may have a few pounds left to go." What?! I never demean others! How does MY screen name demean others? It doesn't even demean myself (as I just explained above).

    Thanks for the support! ♥
  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    Ok so this was 1972- not 74, but can you imagine the horror you'd have following this-
    These rules are just downright scary- and liver once a week would have had me running out the door screaming!

    WOW! Ha! Things have certainly changed quite a bit with Weight Watchers between then and now! That's INSANE! Holy smokes..