Birth Control Side Effects

bowsandpearls11 Posts: 5
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Currently I am on the Seasonique birth control. I have used ortho tri-cyclein patches as well. When I was on the patch I was extremely moody, cranky, hungry, and I could cry at the drop of a hat. Now on Seasonique I am still a cry baby, I feel less motivated, & my mood can be kind of edgy. I feel like my food cravings are not as bad on Seasonique though and overall my symptoms are not as bad on Seasonique. Has anyone else had bad side effects from their birth control? Or has anyone used a birth control that they see these symptoms decrease?


  • Hmm, that is interesting. I have no answers because i have had no side effects with my birth control: I use Tri-Previfem (a generic). The only changes I have seen is shorter lighter periods, but nothing to do with my mood and such. I'm interested to see other peoples experiences.
  • OH yes !. That is one reason why I'm trying to lose weight. I'm on the Depo shot. And it made me gain weight - which I'm not happy about at all.
    So here I am. So far I've lost 5 lbs. (Yay !) And I'm about to get off the shot and talk to my other doctor and see if I can possibly change to another anti seizure medication that will not make me gain weight.
    Good luck on your journey !.
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    the first timei went on the pill, it was like a switch wen toff in my brain. i cried at every little imagined slight, tv shows, commercials on tv!! you name it. i got off those and switched to the depo shot, good news is, i wasn't as moody, bad news is, i never did go back to the way i was totally. i still tear up pretty quickly at things i never used to, and this is 10 years later at least.
    i am off depo and now on yaz28. same thing, i am not getting extra moody or anything, but i certainly still cry easily. idk what that first brand did to me, but at times i kinda hate that i ever started in the first place. although...on a positive note (and something my mom has also noticed) since joining MFP, and watching my sodium levels, my eyes don't get all puffy from crying. lol
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    The doctor tried me with all types. The ones with less hormones didn't control my cycle the ones with more hormones never gave me a cycle and the ones in the middle made me sick as a dog. Throwing up sick stomach dizziness feve achy body. I tried and tired different ones for weeks at a time and finally just gave up. I find it easier to do it the natural way. Basal body temperature works for us and it's really easy to follow. Good luck finding something that works for you :)
  • lotty1987
    lotty1987 Posts: 176 Member

    Im on Evra patches occassionaly I find i am moody crying etc v easy when it is red week - but the other three weeks im happy
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I am on the depo shot, no side effects. i can not blame weight gain on it , cause i was fat before i started it, and technically i have lost 40-45 pounds since summer all the while on the shot
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    I'm on seasonique as well, but I don't have any side effects at all... never had, even when I was on other ones (ortho tricyclen lo).
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    I have been on birth control almost since I started my period because I don't ovulate on my own (supposedly, but I am pregnant now lol) but anyways, I wouldn't have my TOM at all, it would go for 10 months to a little over a year so I had to keep taking provera or whatever else to try and start it. I have tried Ortho tricyclen, Orthotricyclen lo, yaz, etcetera etcetera. . I can't even remember I have tried so many. I have found that high dose BC like Ortho tricyclen made me retain a lot of water, the lowest dose that doc said was out was nuva ring... and I have been on that for the longest. I have bad headache problems with my TOM and nuva ring did not give me that side effect. I stopped retaining water, It did not slow down my weight loss.. I would have to say the ring was my favorite.. lol
  • ashleynicoleh04
    ashleynicoleh04 Posts: 195 Member
    I am on orthocept (generic) and it so far has been good. But I have never had any issues with weight gain or being moody, crying, or crabby. I am moody, crabby, and cry often so not much has changed lol. I think its just a hormone thing for me but its not like I am like that all the time. I have had friends on merena? I am not sure how to spell it but when they stick something inside your uterus. I talked to my doctor about getting it but it honestly made me super noxious when they started talking about what could happen during the procedure and after (it could pierce through your cervix) but they said it doesn't happen often. I wasn't wilingl to take that chance!
  • aerome
    aerome Posts: 171 Member
    Every time I've been on the pill it made me really sick. I've tried at least 3 different kinds.

    I'm on the NuvaRing now and my only side effect so far is that I can feel it every once in a while.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    OMG Yes! I am a cry baby on seasonique! I was on Yasmine then YAZ FOREVER and perfectly stable. I got an IUD after my son only to have a rare complication and have to have it removed, I switched to seasonique and I want my YAZ back if Im going to stay on the pil but I honestly cant wait till I can get my IUD again!

    Talk to your Dr. OBGYNS have a rediculous amount of samples available, you SHOULD stay on one for 2-3 months at a time to find out truly how the hormones effect you but if it makes things that horrible I would switch
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    II'm on Seasonique now, the only side effects I have are breakthrough bleeding, but I have a very irregular cycle but that should subside after a few more cycles of the 3-month pack. (I hope, as it's pretty annoying!!)

    I was on Yaz prior, which was fine but it also gave me breakthrough bleeding, but much heavier than Seasonique.

    Everyone reacts differently to hormones (think of how differently you and say, your best friend act during your TOM) so it's important to find which one works for you I suppose. I have friends who were raging B*tches on Yaz, but I never felt any different!
  • mgreen10
    mgreen10 Posts: 229 Member
    I am on far the only side effect is larger and more sentitive chest, lighter periods.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I have no apparent side effects from Ortho Tri-Cyclen or it's generic Tri-Spritec.

    There was one generic they put me on when my insurance first swapped from the brand name to generics instead that made me horribly nauseous at all times. I could barely stay on it a week because I felt like I was going to vomit pretty much 24 hours a day. That was when I get switched to Tri-Sprintec and everything was fine since then.

    I just very, very recently had to switch insurance providers due to work and got TriNessa when I first tried to transfer my prescription. I was suddenly trying to eat everything in site. And it wasn't just random Munchies, I felt hungry, like empty stomach hungry, the entire day. It was ridiculously hard to stay in calories those days (I did though, just felt like I was starving). Then, about three days in the bloat came. It was like my body was being inflated with a slow air pump. My stomach ballooned out and looked distended, my fingers got so puffy that the rings that are typically falling off due to my weight loss suddenly had to be forced on each morning and my pants were all suddenly crazy tight. I was so expanded everywhere it hurt. My entire torso was in pain from how forced out my body was and what it was retaining. And this was all happening while doing my normal everything, staying below sodium levels, keeping carbs around 40-45% of my intake, working out, drinking 20+ cups of water, etc) So I finally found a place to get Tri-Sprintec back and got off the TriNessa. It took a few days but I'm mostly back to normal now. (I made the switch back on Wednesday), but I still have some, errrr....backed up issues, that also happened on TriNessa that I'm trying to get back to my "regular" routine. :\
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