50 Lbs to freedom!

Hello everyone,

I' m Aaron when i finally signed up for MFP I was around 240-245lb range. In the past I've actually been over 270lbs. Im a former Marine & have been in pretty good shape my entire life. After leaving the Corps in 1999, things started o go down hill. It was easy to get out out of shape, no standards to abide by. The weight actually wasn't my breaking point. (But I wasn't happy with it). In March of 2011 I flew back to California from Colorado to visit family. My stepmother is an RN. Just for fun she checked my blood pressure. Cant remember the numbers but it was high. This was my turning point.

I have a 5yo son I want to see grow up. My lifestyle most likely wouldn't afford me that option.

Since joining here I've dropped 9 lbs. Not much but a great start. Counting your calories was a big eye opener, especially my sodium intake. Wow! is all i can say!

I'm starting to institute some exercise. Mainly hiking & adult softball. I plan on starting to run again.

Has anyone tried P90X? Just curious I've heard some good things about it.

Looking forward to hearing from everyone. And if your looking for someone to help keep you accountable, let me know. Just promise to return the favor!

Keep your eye on your goal!
Mine is 50lbs to bring me back to 190lbs



  • slapshotgolf
    slapshotgolf Posts: 163 Member
    Welcome, and congratulations on making the commitment. Its the first, and at times, most difficult step. Add me as a friend if you're looking for support. All the best, SSG.
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    It's quite a shock when you actually write it all down huh!?!

    You're off to a great start, I'm also looking at P90X and contemplating doing C25K to start back running. I have a 6 yo girl and she sure does keep me on my toes :bigsmile:
  • ashleynicoleh04
    ashleynicoleh04 Posts: 195 Member
    hey aaron! I just saw on the message boards that there is a group that is starting on Monday on here that has members that want to lose 40lbs by August. That would be excellent motivation and it looked like a lot of people are signing up. I joined one for a summer slim down and I love all of the motivation. Also, about P90X I have seen people on here and looked at other people who have done P90X and they look awesome! You should try it. i thought about it but I am currently in the middle of another workout routine. Good luck!!!!