There, their, they're and more...



  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    Ahhhh also my pet hate! Nicely addressed Mr Chuck!
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    There are probably a million reasons people are not the greatest at spelling. Maybe they dropped out of school because their parents were drunks and didn't support them. Maybe they had a learning disability and found english difficult. Do you really think your post is going to change that if 12 years of english classes didn't help. And now on their journey to better their health, they have to worry about someone picking on their spelling? Maybe now, they will think twice before posting a question because of your pet peeve. If you can read what they wrote and understand it, don't worry it. I find it hard to believe you can not understand what they are saying because they use their instead of there. Be supportive.

    I agree with you!
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    And it's not "undoubtably", which isn't a word, it is "undoubtedly".
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    Now right their is some good advice!!
  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    That's an awesome explanation -- but why post it? Who cares if someone doesn't use the correct form in a blog or a forum post?? Don't get me wrong -- I love grammar -- my fave class in college was English Grammar -- where all we did was break down sentences to their various parts. (subject, verb....ok probably lame).

    But people on here are already self conscious -- why point out their mistakes with grammar as well?

    Seriously though -- very informative post :)
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    That's an awesome explanation -- but why post it?
    Because knowing is half the battle. GO JOE!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    I care because the erosion of correct spelling and grammar is a sad, sad commentary on our society and saying "Eh, it's just a blog...who cares?" will just lead to the attitude that it doesn't matter ANYWHERE! I have friends that work in the college setting (either as instructors or in student affairs) and they said that year by year, the spelling, grammar, and punctuation on application essays, classwork, and scholarship applications is in full-decline. Then, students whine when they're marked down for the errors.

    Sorry, I teach Language Arts to 6th graders and it's horrible to see how people just don't give a damn about writing properly.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    What I always believe...First impressions can be overcome, but what comes out of your mouth leaves an indelible mark.

    ...and this is coming from someone who still feels dirty typing "lol".
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    What I always believe...First impressions can be overcome, but what comes out of your mouth leaves an indelible mark.

    ...and this is coming from someone who still feels dirty typing "lol".

    Serious, did it take us so long to find each other?? :wink:
  • etpx3
    etpx3 Posts: 147 Member
    LOL love this
  • joilet
    joilet Posts: 99
    should of
    could of
    would of

    bug me
  • Anyone who puts God as an excuse not to improve something that requires some effort and work, is also putting up excuses for everything they cannot improve by themselves, because he or she is Lazy. Sloth is a sin, and so is Gluttony.

    Do not blame God for your own faults, when it is YOU that must change, and who is able to make a difference.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Anyone who puts God as an excuse not to improve something that requires some effort and work, is also putting up excuses for everything they cannot improve by themselves, because he or she is Lazy. Sloth is a sin, and so is Gluttony.

    Do not blame God for your own faults, when it is YOU that must change, and who is able to make a difference.
    GoD CrEaTeD Me WiTh My AwEsOmE GrAmMeR SkIlLz! joke.gif

    ...and you have no idea how painful it was to type that out. I feel dirty.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    My favorite part is when a bunch of Nazis are discussing what everyone else does wrong, and they make mistakes themsleves.

    Bwahahaha! Get over yourselves.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Awesome post! THANK YOU! This makes me crazy!
  • katiejo2011
    katiejo2011 Posts: 180 Member
    cannot is one word not two. That is my pet peeve, but all in all it doesn't really matter because I know I make mistakes as well.
  • JJtexasgirl
    JJtexasgirl Posts: 106 Member
    What I don't understand is why anyone would not care about how they present themselves in print. Afterall, once you put something on the internet, it is there to stay-- FOREVER. If one knows he/she is a bad speller or doesn't know the basic grammar rules, then one should make an effort to educate themselves about it. Just because something is a blog or a forum post or a text message, doesn't mean it should be any less correct than a report for an employer.

    When my students ask me if spelling is going to count on an assignment (in an English class, no less), I ask them if math should count when I average their grade.

    ~ happlily wearing my Grammar Police uniform~
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    I love reading these that stir the pot. If you are offended by them then simply don't read them. So just one that bugs the hell out of me the increasing use of the word AIN'T. I can not stand that word. I guess its all right if you are applying for the next episode of Jerry Springer. I am off my soap box now.

    Have a great day everyone! :laugh:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    What I don't understand is why anyone would not care about how they present themselves in print. Afterall, once you put something on the internet, it is there to stay-- FOREVER. If one knows he/she is a bad speller or doesn't know the basic grammar rules, then one should make an effort to educate themselves about it. Just because something is a blog or a forum post or a text message, doesn't mean it should be any less correct than a report for an employer.

    When my students ask me if spelling is going to count on an assignment (in an English class, no less), I ask them if math should count when I average their grade.

    ~ happlily wearing my Grammar Police uniform~

    Thank you!

    As for the person that mentioned the "Nazis" I'm not talking about making a typo here and there, but the consistent misuse of punctuation marks that should have been taught in 2nd grade. As far as not reading them, when it's in a's hard to miss. Even if the statement or message is solid, I cringe when I read it. Sorry, it's my JOB to know this stuff...I can't help it if I'm a geek about it too.
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    on fun forums like FB and MFP, i cringe but I don't let it get too me too much BUT for professional correspondence such as emails, I could just scream. Really? Seriously? You got your degree from where? oh a cracker jack box. Ok- makes sense now.

    There is no excuse for business professionals who don't know the difference.
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