Hiking in OREGON

Anyone know of some good spots for hikes in the Northern Oregon area???


  • GrnEyz
    GrnEyz Posts: 360
    Anyone know of some good spots for hikes in the Northern Oregon area???
  • jlwhelan1
    jlwhelan1 Posts: 664
    Born and bred in Oregon. I know (parts) of it very well. What part are you going to be in? How long/challenging of a hike do you want?
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Tons of hiking places in Oregon. I would have to look them up for you.
  • jlwhelan1
    jlwhelan1 Posts: 664
    In Portland (I attended Lewis & Clark as a "nontraditional" undergrad) I like Tryon Creek state park. It is pretty, has a number of climbs, and is quick enough to work into a work/school day without too much effort.


    Forest Park also has some good hikes in the city, but I didn't do too much of that.

    The Columbia River Gorge has numerous hikes. My favorite quick little hike is to Ponytail falls.
    You hike under the falls. Here is some information. It is pretty easy to find. I believe you start at Horsetail falls from the scenic highway in the gorge.
    There are all sorts of hikes in the gorge. Mine tended to be short because I have two kids (who were preschool at the time) and either I didn't have much time without them or they would only go so far. : )

    This site looks cool.

    At the beach. My favorite beach since the early 1980's is Oswald West State Park. It has been "discovered" by many since then, it used to only have a few people on it any given day. Now it is a surfer hang out - or still was three years ago the last time I went. It is a short, easy hike in, and there are other hikes in the area. http://www.stateparks.com/oswald_west.html and http://www.oregonstateparks.org/park_195.php

    I did saddle mountain as a child and always meant to go back. It really stuck in my head, I was probably about third or fourth grade. I loved it. It was so windy the day my family went that we put the dog leash around my younger brother's waist to keep him from blowing off the mountain. http://www.nwhiker.com/SaddleMtHikes.html

    I have to go, but if any more "must see's" pop into my head I'll jump back on.
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Oswald state park is really cool. Do check it out.
  • GrnEyz
    GrnEyz Posts: 360
    Thanks for all the great suggestions!

    Any ideas of areas near Salem (or within 30-45 minute drive?)