Blue sky's nothing but blue sky's.

Kjarlune Posts: 178
edited September 25 in Success Stories
Oh what a glorious morning. As much as I am looking so forward to not seeing any more white anywhere on the ground ever again, or at least for the next 6-7 months. (So much so I am seriously contemplating removing all white from my wardrobe, house, even my kids closets) I am so tired of the color. I do have to admit, when the sun is shining and mother nature starts teasing us again with a b e a u tiful day.....It's pretty.....

Of course not as pretty as green everywhere. Hot well built men walking around without a shirt...Lounge balconies full of people spending their paychecks and enjoying every second of it. That my friends is pure beauty. In Alberta anyhow.

The Stampede is coming and that means pancake breakfasts on every corner and BBQ's everywhere you look. Calgary is the home of free food, tons of booze and sex with strangers. All in the name of some good old country, getting business done, visiting, and vacationing fun.

Somewhat like Spring Break in Florida, minus the underage bikini babies, strutting their stuff and partying in a thong. Don't misunderstand me, if I had that kind of body, I would probably strut my stuff on 17th ave here in Calgary in a few shreds of material. Save the flight and party close to home. That would be me, way less competition that way.....*grin*

Yes today for me is a day for making goals....You see I reached one this morning... I am officially 60 pounds thinner...One goal reached!!!

My new goal is to be in the 200's by my birthday. I am turning 40 this year and have the need to feel amazing for that day. I am told depending on who I am talking too that wanting to loose 20 pounds a month is not a realistic goal.

It is still my goal don't misunderstand me but I am told that I should not be thinking that way. We will see. I have never been one to do what I am told so why start now.

For today, I celebrate a huge mile stone.. I can officially use my wii fitness now....

If you have never been the size I started this would not make sense to you but, two maybe three years ago, my now estranged sister got me a WII fitness for Christmas. I have not been able to use it until TODAY!

My kids did and would ask me all the time to play with them. I have perfected excuses, not wanting them to know that I was too fat to register on the WII fit board. (I tried it one night when everyone was sleeping).

That was my first goal, that WII fit has been haunting me for three years. The funniest thing is, I have no desire to use it..I just hating knowing I couldn't.

It does not matter what you want to Manifest into your life, you need to have goals. Some goals need to be along the way so that you know you are getting there. I even suggest that you give yourself plenty of time so you can breeze right past them before the time you set for it, so you can feel the energy of succeeding.

Isn't that one life is, energy and succeeding is getting to where you want to be in your life. Living the life you want to live.

The reality is that you are going to be here anyway. Be alive anyways, at least the chances are good. So if you are going to be here anyway, why not be one or two steps closer to the life you want to have? The life you fantasize about?

What is the point of getting up every day if you are not going to get to where you have the desire to be?

Some things come easy. For me it was finding my twin soul, building my business, and loving my kids. For you it might be being thin and a non smoker. It doesn't matter what it is you find the easiest in your life. It matters that you can accomplish what you find the hardest.

If I can loose 60 pounds in 4 months and be a non smoker for 5 months. You my friends can do anything you set your mind too.

Why am I writing this daily blog? To put my teachings to the test! I have been saying that manifestation is easy! I have proven it many times, but even I have taken it for granted and am now using the tools I know and love in the one area of my life I have never conquered. ME!

SO thank you Soul Family....Grandpa Gus for helping me loose these 60 pounds. I would appreciate if you could stop showing me you are around with the smell of stake smoke...(it is really gross) I know you are always here, always taking care of me and always giving me what I need. My next need personally is to be in the 200's. Let's make it happen.

At the end of the day, life is like a blue sky, endless and full of possibilities. So whether you are making goals so that you can have better mind blowing sex life with your husband like I am doing or because it will just make you feel better. Their is no negatives to becoming who you want to be.

Have a great Sunday....

One happy chubby chick.
Started at 410
Today 350


  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    absolutely inspiring my southern neighbour *S*

    amazing what a sunny day in alberta can do for the spirits after so many days of cold and grey huh? *S*
  • Awesome...way to inspiring you are. Great positive attitude, too. Keep up the good work and great posts!
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    Beautiful! Just like you - keep writing. It's so good to be reminded that we don't have to wait for something to give us permission to be happy. We can be happy now by being thankful for and enjoying what we've got.
  • bonniebonbon
    bonniebonbon Posts: 23 Member
    I love this post! Congrats on your loss. I sooo need to make it to Alberta when I get to my goal weight! :tongue:
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