P90X for overweight or obese folks

mrsjcmyles Posts: 119 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
Has anyone who is considered obese or overweight ever done P90X, cause I watch the infomercial and all I see are people who just need to tone up.


  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    i have heard it is only for people who are in shape and are looking to get into better shape
  • I didnt do the P90X, but I did do the Insanity program, or should I say I attempted it, lol...Im not obese but I am considered slightly over-weight and I have not been able to keep up with the video, i got through each session but my body was hurting so bad and was just so wore out that I couldnt do it every day like your supposed to. I started eating right and doing an aerobics class for 90 days and have lost 19lbs and I am going to attempt to try starting the program again starting tomorrow....

    Good luck, if you decide to give it a shot!!!!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I did it at 210 pounds.

    I did tone up.

    I lost inches (about 2)

    I did NOT lose weight.

    But it's a good program. I definitely got stronger and had better posture. It's intense though. But I could handle it.
  • gatedialer
    gatedialer Posts: 149 Member
    My boss is overweight, I guess one would call him obese, and he's done P90x. He has lost considerable weight because of it. He did say that there were some exercises that he had to modify because for someone of his size, he could not do.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    I did P90X when I was obese, but I started with the Lean program which is more cardio. The good thing about P90X is that they show you alternative moves to do and they don't expect you to be able to keep up with the guys on the video.

    You just do as much as you can and each week that you stick with it you'll see that you can do even more.
  • tabiwash
    tabiwash Posts: 5
    My husband (who is fit) are starting it this month. I have to finsh a diet cleanse program first--not enough calories for me to work out too hard, But I figure if I do what I can and we make it a family event, I should get stronger. I will also be adding some aerobics--walking 3 to 4 times per week....so we shall see!
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    As always, consult with your doctor before starting any program.

    With that said, yes you can do P90X if Obese. You just tone it down to what you can do. The great thing about he program is that you'll learn to eat right and get active. I know people that have done the program 3 or more times. It's very repeatable and customizable.
  • GDRolfe
    GDRolfe Posts: 1 Member
    I've seen many obese (and I mean like morbidly obese) do several rounds of P90X and get great results. Here are some examples of such people on YouTube.


    It's not easy. If you choose to do it you have to give it everything you've got. But if you do, you will not be disappointed.
    Do your best, forget the rest, and BRING IT!
  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    I know a friend of mine who started this program at 330 lbs. He said there was no way to keep up with the videos, but do as much as possible (sweating to death and vomiting are inevitable) and you'll eventually get there. He is now down to a solid 180, and is mighty toned. Said it saved him.

    I've been thinking about this, but I'm not sure. Looks quite overwhelming.
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    My husband and I were both 300 lbs when starting p90x and both lost over 100 lbs doing it....hubby is now on round 3!! Its great cause you can modify to fit what you can do=)
  • jjclem07
    jjclem07 Posts: 127 Member
    I am rocking it at 239. I am getting stronger and toner, but not a lot of weight loss. I do 2-a-days which means I P90X in the morning and then a cardio workout for another 30 to 60 minutes later on in the day. Dropping weight with that routine.
  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    Excellent question. I have considered giving it a shot. I am far from fit so I was concerned it would be too much for me. Still sounds fun though. :)
  • I'm 200lbs (considered overweight) and currently doing P90X. I get through the workouts just fine with modifications whenever needed. I thought the program was going to be very extreme but so far it's really not that bad.
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    My father and a good friend of mine (who was over 300 lbs when he started P90X) have both done it. They both had great results...my father just ordered it for me today as a birthday gift. :) I can't wait to try...even if I can't keep up, I'm going to give it 100%. I also had a friend who I graduated highschool with and has 5 kids, do P90X...she looks amazing and is now a beachbody coach!
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