

  • Higglyjiggly64
    A couple of people mentioned not to reduce your food intake before drinking. Wise advice. I went out with coworkers and restricted my dinner cals by a LOT b/c I was planning on having munchies with the drinks. I had one 12 ounce beer and two 1 ounce shots and was B-L-I-T-Z-E-D. It took 2 pieces of pizza and 4 12 ounce cups of water to get me steady enough to drive and even then I wished I'd had another half hour before i got behind the wheel. And yes, that amount of alcohol slowed down my weight loss for the week, even though I worked out the hardest I had up to this point.

    I really don't do this usually...but why did you drive if you were still feeling the effects after being BLITZED by alcohol?? Dangerous!

    I have a few drinks at the weekend, usually on a friday but I would agree with the other posters who have suggested that you eat a good breakfast and listen to your body. Don't go overboard on the alcohol...make sure you're sober enough to leave the pizza alone and get up and have a good workout.

    However, don't let your calorie intake get to you...if it is a one off, then enjoy it...I have done it in the past and still lost weight. You need to enjoy life's not all about calories.

    Gorgeous pic by the way xx

    Just to clarify, I had waited two hours before driving on top of eating some food and drinking water. I had wanted to eat before I did a shot, but we were celebrating a birthday and we did the shot early. It hit me quick because I hadn't eaten. When I left the pub, I was able to walk a straight line, meet my fingertips in front of my face and touch my toes without wobbling, so I felt I had enough control to operate a vehicle. I just was still feeling happy. I would never get into a car if I didn't think I was capable of driving. You don't live with a state trooper for 26 years and take drinking and driving lightly. Also, using blitzed might be an exaggeration for what i was in some peoples book. I don't drink very often so it felt like that to me.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    2lbs a week might not work with a "free night" but I can't do 2 lbs a week anyway. When I know I'm going to drink..I plan my lower calorie stuff for my day. Keep eating, just stay on point. Dinner is normally something carby, (I don't like drinking on an empty stomach) I also plan in a hearty breakfast in the morning for the day after. If you like to eat while you drink, that is where it becomes more trouble.