Quirky tips/Plate Size!

I know it sounds hokey and I've always read about it, but I make a very conscious effort to use smaller plates and bowls for my food. Sometimes I'll even take a dish, put food in, realize it's too big and switch to something smaller. It makes a difference!

Anyone else do this? Do you have any other quirky tips to share?


  • Higglyjiggly64
    Yup, me too! :-P
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I've started eating many of my meals off a side plate, the plate looks loaded, my eyes are satisfied...if my belly isn't i wait at least 10 minutes then get a little more.

    Apparently eating off blue plates is also supposed to work as the colour blue is an appetite suppressant. I cant chew each mouthful 32 times tho...swallowing something that mushed up would be too much, i don't care how much weight I could lose by doing it its where i draw the line!
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Not eating from the bag! I used to gobble up chips like they were going out of style... now I count out a serving and eat just that. It isn't as hard as i thought it would be.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    There has been some research on using smaller plates, I believe, that makes me think it's worthwhile to use smaller dishes when I'm serving my own portions.

    I've found that this bowl is my perfect meal-sized bowl: http://www.hlchina.com/0461-0327.jpg

    It's a Fiestaware soup / ceral bowl. It's 19 oz. capacity, which means that it's actually full at about 12-16 oz., which is perfect for my lunch or dinner. I discovered this when eating Lean Cuisines, that the portions fit really well into this bowl. And I've been using it for meals ever since. (Not for dinners with friends or anything, obviously, just when I'm around the house by myself.)

    I also use a small 1/2 cup ramekin like this for ice cream: http://cooksdream.com/store/nor261.html

    I just fill it with one scoop, and it's perfect. The visual cue that this is a whole serving really helps.
  • ablueskier
    ablueskier Posts: 104
    Awms - I usenthat bowl :) it fits a level 2 cups of cereal which makes it so much easier to check my portion when I am tired in the morning.
  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    I found teeeeny tiny tupperware containers at a dollar store and they are the perfect size for a serving of berries!
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    i tried the 32 chews things and it really does work, dinner takes 3 times as long though and its not great in my house as the other half hoovers his food up in about 3 minutes no matter what i give him. i find using chopsticks works quite well too as it slows things down, obviously its not practicle for some meals, but if i have anything remotely noodley the sticks come out